The art of glass: Venice celebrates its iconic tradition of glass making

(19 Sep 2024)



LENGTH: 7:35

Murano, Italy – 13 September 2024
1. Various exteriors from Barovier & Toso, a company specialising in Venetian glass
2. Pan left of a glass vase being removed with a pole from the furnace and worked
3. Close up of the glass vase being worked with a blowtorch
4. Various of a worker rotating a pole with red hot molten glass at the tip inside the furnace
5. Worker carrying the pole with the red hot molten glass to the master glazier
6. Red hot molten glass being applied over the glass vase
7. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Simone Giordani, master glassmaker at Barovier & Toso:
“Behind every single piece, beyond the various processes, there is so much sacrifice, so much. An important work is carried out by a team during the day, which is also preceded by an important work during the night by the foundrymen, so that we find the amalgam, the material, ready in the morning. And then, in the following days, once the hot work is finished, (the creation of the glass object) is finished with cold working.”

8. Various of the master glassmaker working the hot molten glass
9. Master glazier inserting the piece of glass into the furnace with a pole
10. Close up of a piece of molten glass being worked
11. Various of the master glazier working a piece of glass with the help of a glassblower
12. Wide of the furnace with workers at work
13. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Simone Giordani, master glassmaker at Barovier & Toso
“I think Venice and glass go very well together. It is part of our heritage, our history, our culture and I could say it is part of the luxury of Venice. Venice has lived in luxury for centuries so I am proud to have embarked on this path, this work. I am Venetian inside, I get excited when I go to Venice, I live in the city that I think is the most beautiful in the world and I envy no one. I think it is the perfect marriage between glass and Venice”

Venice, Italy – 13 September 2024
14. Various of Venice’s Grand Canal filmed from the vaporetto
15. Pan left of Palazzo Loredan
16. Close up of the banner saying ‘#A world of Glass. The Venice Glass Week Hub’.
17. Various glass works on display in the exhibition
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Camilla Purdon, Venice Glass Week coordinator:
“The Glass Week has become a fixed appointment in the international calendar of international design and glass events and so we’ll see now visitors coming from all over the world, during this week of the year, knowing that there will be a whole explosion of glass exhibitions, conferences, workshops, guided tours, all sorts of different activities and events for audiences ranging form glass enthusiasts, those who don’t know about glass , who want to learn about glass, but also collectors, academics, of course glass makers and glass artists who come to exchange, meet colleagues and to get inspired. And so that’s what is exciting is that obviously Murano and Murano’s glass will always be at the heart of the Venice Glass Week but it becomes year after year more and more international and that’s what we hope the festival will continue to do to help to nurture and to encourage the continue growth of Murano glass and Venice to become even more important as centre of glass making all around the world.”

19. Various glass works on display in the exhibition
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Camilla Purdon, Venice Glass Week coordinator:

21. Various glass works on display in the exhibition
22. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Rosa Barovier Mentasti, art historian and curator of the exhibition:

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News post in September 24, 2024, 3:04 am.

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