Spanish PM and Palestinian president hold first joint meeting in Madrid

(19 Sep 2024)

Madrid, Spain – 19 September 2024
1. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas at podium
2. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Pedro Sanchez, Spanish Prime Minister:
“Today the risk of escalation has again dangerously increased. President Abbas and I have been talking about it in Lebanon, so we have to make a new and strong call for restraint, for de-escalation, for peaceful coexistence between countries. In short, for peace.”
3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Pedro Sanchez, Spanish Prime Minister:
“Spain attaches so much importance to the advisory opinion issued on 19 July by the International Court of Justice, which establishes the illegality of the Israeli occupation of the occupied territories. And I would like to remind you that the precautionary measures established by this same International Court of Justice are obligatory. These measures expressly call for a halt to Israel’s military offensive and must therefore be respected by Israel.”
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Pedro Sanchez, Spanish Prime Minister: ++INCLUDES MID AND WIDE SHOTS++
“President Abbas, Spain recognised the state of Palestine on 28 May. Why is this the right thing to do? Because Palestine exists and has every right to have its own state. A state that coexists alongside the state of Israel in peace and security, which is the only way to move towards a solution that will bring stability to the region and the world as a whole.”
5. Sanchez and Abbas shake hands
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez held talks Thursday with President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas in Madrid, their first since Spain’s formal recognition of Palestine as a state.

Sanchez said both he and Abbas were gravely concerned with the situation in Lebanon.

“Today the risk of escalation has again dangerously increased. President Abbas and I have been talking about it in Lebanon, so we have to make a new and strong call for restraint, for de-escalation, for peaceful coexistence between countries. In short, for peace,” he said.

Sanchez also stressed the importance his government gave to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, which ruled in July that Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories was illegal and called on Israel to halt its military offensive in Gaza.


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News post in September 24, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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