Refugees in New Hampshire turn to farming for an income and a taste of home

(19 Sep 2024)

Dunbarton, New Hampshire – 19 August 2024
1. Wide of Congolese refugee and farmer Sylvain Bukasa harvesting crops
2. Medium of Somali refugee and farmer Asli Yussuf walking with crop basket on head
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Asli Yussuf, Somali refugee and farmer:
“Today harvest carrot, potatoes, spinach, kale, collard greens, broccoli, acorn squash.”
4. Tight of tomatoes on vine
5. Medium pan of Yussuf carrying a bunch of tomatoes and putting them in box
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Tom McGee, program director with the New American Sustainable Agriculture Project:
“We work specifically with refugees and immigrants. So, a lot of those folks, when they come to this country, they have had a background, or were exposed to, agriculture in some way.”
7. Medium of migrant farmer plucking leaves of crop
8. Tight of migrant farmer’s hands as she plucks leaves
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Tom McGee, program director with the New American Sustainable Agriculture Project:
“These are farmers who are basically independent business owners, who are working in partnership with our organization to be able to, kind of, bring these produce to life in this country and to have another sense of purpose in a way that they can kind of bring themselves into the community, and belong. And really participate in the American dream.”
10. Medium of migrant farmers sorting through crops
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Sylvain Bukasa, Congolese refugee and farmer:
“I am originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo.”
12. Medium Bukasa rinsing vegetables and putting them in a tray
13. Tight of Bukasa’s hands grabbing vegetables floating in water
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Sylvain Bukasa, Congolese refugee and farmer:
“Yeah, I was worried for my safety, and I decided to, you know, just go somewhere where it’s a little bit safer.”
15. Medium of Bukasa walking through corn field
16. Tight of Bukasa snapping off ears of corn
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Sylvain Bukasa, Congolese refugee and farmer:
“So these are the tomatoes that I grow inside that hoop house.”
18. Medium of Bukasa carrying buckets of harvested crops
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Sylvain Bukasa, Congolese refugee and farmer:
“So now I can grow enough to sell to make a good, you know, income. But I have to work on the marketing. And the marketing is tough. As you see, you see the competition in there. See how many farmers are trying to sell their produce.”
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Khadija Aliow, Somali refugee and farmer:
“I like it. Good. I like it U.S.A. I have my own job. Happy. I’m so happy.”
It’s harvest time in central New Hampshire.

On one farm, most of the workers are refugees who have escaped harrowing wars and persecution.

They come from the African nations of Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia and Democratic Republic of Congo.

And they now run their own small businesses, selling their crops to local markets as well as to friends and connections in their ethnic communities.

Farming provides them with both an income and a taste of home.

Many were farmers in their home countries before coming to the U.S. or had previous experience with agriculture.

The farm is owned by a New Hampshire nonprofit, the Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success.

AP Video shot by Nick Perry.


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News post in September 24, 2024, 6:04 am.

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