Future of smart transportation in focus at ITS World Congress in Dubai

(19 Sep 2024)



LENGTH: 4:12

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 17 September 2024
1. Various of exhibition on smart mobility and transportation innovation, visitors checking out Tesla’s Cybertruck
2. Various of visitors at the exhibition
3. Product by Miovision, a company that specializes in smart traffic management solutions
4. Man listening to participant at the exhibition
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Eric Jacques, participant representing Miovision:
"In years past, you’ve seen a little bit more of a focus on sustainability. Now we’re going more towards safety. So a lot of our products have safety in mind. Again, the safety analytics, the signal performance metrics that we have provides data and analytics that allows the traffic engineers to make better decisions. It measures the effectiveness of the signal timings at the intersection, and then they can see how that’s operating. Then they can make better decisions on how they want to manage those intersections. So everything has safety and sustainability in mind right now with our product line."

6. Toyota truck at exhibition with H2 symbol on the side, referring to hydrogen
7. Visitors at the Toyota section talking
8. Close of hydrogen motor
9. Visitors listening to participant’s explanation
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Toru Nabata, participant at the exhibition representing Toyota:
"The Middle East has a big potential in producing green hydrogen because you have great sun and wind. So you can create renewable hydrogen, let’s say, green hydrogen. So in the future, you’re going to produce and export even the hydrogen. So I think in the future, hydrogen will be more affordable for the people here in the Middle East."

11. Communication diagram on screen
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Toru Nabata, exhibitor with Toyota:
"I think it might be difficult here in the Middle East because you have a very cheap oil, right? Gas. So but now even in Japan, the hydrogen price is getting, I’d say, not so expensive in comparison with the past. So maybe in the future you’re going to use that fuel cell in the Middle East, I think."

13. Various of visitors at carbon neutrality sector of automotive components supplier, Aisin
14. Close up of motor
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Hiroshi Tsutsui, Aisin executive officer:
"We want to provide carbon neutrality, safety for all people. It is our concept (inaudible). So we provided this carbon neutrality transaxle and system, and so on."

16. Vehicle with H2 symbol
17. Various of visitors at the exhibition
18. Driverless taxi
19. Close of cameras and radars
20. Green energy stand with electric car in the background
21. Fast electric charging post
22. Pan of delegates at the Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress
23. Screen with sign, reading (English/Arabic) “Dubai ITS World Congress”
24. Audience
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Brian Cronin, director of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office at U.S. Department of Transportation:
"We are tired of our family members, our friends not making it home. We are tired of our people working in work zones, not making it at home. We have a tool, and I ask you, work with us to think about how you can help us deploy V2X (vehicle-to-everything) at scale."

26. Various of audience
Thousands of people including transportation experts, industry leaders and visitors are gathering in Dubai for the 30th ITS World Congress, an exhibition that explores the future of intelligent transportation systems.

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News post in September 24, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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