Rising GOP leader talks leadership style, and working with Trump

(18 Sep 2024)
Washington – 11 September 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. John Thune, (R) South Dakota:
“I just think leadership largely it is about tone. It is it’s substance, too, but it’s about tone. It’s about example. It’s about, I think, bringing the right temperament to the work that we do around here, and in setting a good example for the American people about what leaders can and should do and what they ought to be about. And part of that, again, is what you do. But a lot of it is how you do it.”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Stephen Groves, The Associated Press:
“How do you think the leadership election is shaping up? Where do you see kind of your position in it?”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. John Thune, (R) South Dakota:
“Well, I look at this as a multi-cycle, multi-election investment because the next couple of cycles aren’t great for Republicans and you want to get a majority that’s durable. I think the Senate is the ultimate sort of quintessential check and balance in our government. And we need that as an insurance policy. Hopefully we win them all: the White House, the House and the Senate. But in the event that we don’t, we need the Senate. Is that sort of bulwark that would prevent what we think are a lot of bad things from happening.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Stephen Groves, The Associated Press:
“Obviously, depending on how the November election turns out, that could be working with potentially President Trump. We’ve discussed you’ve met with him. Can you tell me a little bit about just how that came about, how that happened and what you think came out of that meeting?”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. John Thune, (R) South Dakota:
“So, we were down out at Mar-a-Lago and had a very, I thought, constructive, productive conversation for a good length of time where we talked about if he was successful and if I was successful, you know, hopefully in leading a Republican majority, how we could work together to get some things done.”
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Stephen Groves, The Associated Press:
“For Trump as a potential candidate and potentially as president, are you confident now that he would follow democratic norms like the peaceful transfer of power?”
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. John Thune, (R) South Dakota:
“I think with respect to democratic norms, my expectation is that he’s going to be yeah, he’s going to follow them, he’s going to do things clearly his own way and stylistically, it might not be the way I would do it or the way any other former president has done it, but in the end, the Constitution, the rule of law govern in this country. That’s our bedrock principle. We can’t deviate from that. And I would expect that if he is successful, he will govern accordingly. And there are certainly a lot of us out there that will be working with him to ensure that we’re doing the right things for the good of the country and doing it the right way.”
South Dakota Republican Senator John Thune found himself this spring launching a bid to become the next Senate Republican leader.
Thune sat down with The Associated Press to discuss his vision for Senate leadership and the possibility of working again with former President Donald Trump.
“Well, I look at this as a multi-cycle, multi-election investment because the next couple of cycles aren’t great for Republicans and you want to get a majority that’s durable. I think the Senate is the ultimate sort of quintessential check and balance in our government. And we need that as an insurance policy,” Thune said.

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News post in September 23, 2024, 6:04 am.

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