Exhibit examines the secret surveillance of tourists under Albanian dictatorship

(14 Sep 2024)



LENGTH: 7:53

Durres, Albania – 09 September 2024

1. Various of image of bus used by the former tourist agency painted on wall of the main entrance of exhibition
2. Main entrance of the “Peeping Tourist” exhibition
3. Close of exhibition logo
4. Various of a room with documents, furniture, photos and other items from communist era
5. Various of exhibition curator Arjana Isaku walking to bomb shelter and watching documentary
6. Various of documentary including account of Norwegian tourist who visited under communist regime
7. Isaku watching documentary
8. Documentary playing explaining how ‘Albuturist’ worked to monitor tourists
9. Isaku receives documents detailing how tourists were bugged, followed and monitored.
10. Isaku shows archive documents.
11. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Arjana Isaku, curator of the exhibition:
“Despite the prior communication that they should not bring foreign fashion into the country, and police at the border, there was also a barber to cut the long hair of men or shave their long beards and a dressmaker to monitor if they (tourists) had extravagant clothing or cowboy trousers. They were not to allow them to enter Albanian territory with foreign fashion.”

12. Various of locally produced Skenderbeu cognac, books and other leaflets used for tourists
13. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Brunilda Licaj, curator of the exhibition: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
“The propaganda was always saying that we were under attack: the foreigners would attack us, the regime of the former king would attack us, Americans would attack us. We had disagreements with Israel on dealing with Palestine, and so on. Thus, he tried to keep alive the regime precisely by promoting this kind of psychological war in the country. That’s why tourists were seen as enemies, rather than friends."

14. Various of Jeri Haggard, a visitor from the U.S. looking at items in exhibition
15. Poster on wall
16. Haggard picking up book about late communist dictator Enver Hoxha
17. Close of poster
18. Wide of exhibition garden
19. Haggard, her mother and husband talking
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Jeri Haggard, a U.S. tourist from Seattle:
“I think it would be very disarming to know that over my shoulder somebody is watching, somebody is listening to every single word you say. And if you say one thing that’s not correct or what is considered correct by the regime, you go to prison, you are deported, whatever the situation was. I cannot imagine how the people could live in this situation for all these years, in constant fear. It would seem to me that it would be constant fear of saying, speaking, thinking anything that is against the regime.”

21. Various of posters that were hung at entrance to airport setting out rules for tourists
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Jeri Haggard, US tourist:
"I think in any situation you can learn from history because if we do not learn from history, we’re doomed to repeat. And we can’t have this kind of repetition of this type of regime that puts people down."

23. Cutaway of Haggard and her mother Betty Haggard
24. SOUNDBITE (English) Betty Haggard, 94-year-old US tourist:
“I was just amazed to see how friendly everyone was and how it’s been a very great pleasure to be here.”

25. Various of exhibition items
26. SOUNDBITE (English) Aurora Pilinci, tourist guide: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++

27. Various of items offered to tourists during the communist regime
28. Tilt up of map of Albania showing locations of 17 hotels tourists could stay at under regime



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News post in September 19, 2024, 3:04 am.

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