China on German warships sailing through Taiwan Strait, WADA doping, Ukraine war and India border

(13 Sep 2024)

Beijing – 13 September 2024
1. Wide of news conference
2. Reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“The Taiwan issue is not an issue of freedom of navigation, but an issue concerning China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We respect the navigation rights of all countries in relevant waters in accordance with Chinese laws and international laws, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, but we firmly oppose provocations endangering China’s sovereignty and security in the name of freedom of navigation.”
4. Reporters
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“China has always strictly abided by the world anti-doping regulations and adopted a zero-tolerance attitude towards the use of doping. I also want to emphasize that sports issues should not be politicized; athletes from all countries should be treated equally, and a fair competition environment should be effectively maintained.”
6. Reporters
7. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“Regarding the Ukraine crisis, including the six-point consensus, China has maintained close communication with Ukraine. We will also continue to promote peace talks and play a constructive role in the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.”
8. Reporters
9. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“On September 12, Director Wang Yi met with Indian National Security Advisor Doval in St. Petersburg. The two sides discussed the progress made in recent border affairs consultations and agreed to implement the consensus reached by the two leaders, strive to enhance understanding and mutual trust, and create conditions for improvement, and agree to continue communication on this.”
10. Reporters
11. Wide of news conference

China on Friday reiterated its opposition to “provocations” made in the name of freedom of navigation after two German navy ships sailed through the Taiwan Strait.

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius confirmed the passage of a frigate and supply ship through the Strait earlier in the day.

This is the first such journey by German navy vessels in more than two decades.

Beijing regards the self-ruled island as its own territory and claims the Taiwan Strait to be Chinese.

At the briefing, Mao said China noted the report about an independent investigation concluding that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) didn’t act in favour of China in allowing the Chinese swimmers who tested positive ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to compete in the games.

Separately, Mao insisted that China has been in “close communication” with Ukraine and other parties over the settlement of the Ukraine war, including a six-point consensus it reached with Brazil meant to bring about a lasting political solution.

Her remarks came after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the proposal was “destructive” and complained that his country had not been involved in the consultation over the proposal.

Mao also briefed reporters about the talks between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian National Security Advisor Doval in St. Petersburg over the border control, saying the two sides agreed to carry on efforts to enhance mutual trust and create conditions for further improvement of the border situation.

India and China fought a war along the border in 1962. The latest dispute flared in June 2020, when at least 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese troops were killed in a brawl in the Ladakh region.

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News post in September 18, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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