Retirees protest in Argentina as President Milei secures necessary backing to prevent pension increa

(11 Sep 2024)

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 11 September 2024
1. People react to Congress vote against increasing pensions
2. People bang on police fences
3. Protesters knock down fences
4. Protesters run towards the Congress entrance
5. A person kicks Congress’ doors
6. Various of police clashing with protesters
7. Police using pepper spray
8. A woman shouts UPSOUND (Spanish) "with the retirees no, my father is a retiree"
9. Police detain a man
10. Police hit members of the press
11. Police shooting gas canisters and rubber bullets
12. Retiree Antonia tells riot police UPSOUND (Spanish) "Please boys, be calm; the grandfathers need to eat, they need to take their medicine like myself. I have everything except for money."
13. Medics attend a pensioner who was shot in the leg
14. Protesters chant UPSOUND (Spanish) "all (politicians) should leave"
15. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jorge Toscano, pensioner:
"I am a retiree and the money is not enough for anything. I buy 2 kilos of meat and 2 kilos of bread and the money spent. 2 kilos of meat and 2 kilos of bread and the money is gone and they (the politicians) make 10 million (about $10,000) per month, give me a break, this is not fair"
16. Protesters chant UPSOUND (Spanish) "don’t mess with the retiree"
17. A woman wrapped in the Argentine flag chants UPSOUND (Spanish) "don’t mess with the retiree"
18. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Liliana Patiño, 78, retired nurse:
"I don’t make it to the end of the month, I can’t. Like everybody, I have had to stop buying food. I’ve had to change a lot (of what I buy). I’m not saying that I don’t buy anything but not what I used to buy. I have to measure everything I buy, even though I live alone and I’m conscientious, counting peso by peso."
19. Various of police in front of Congress

Argentine President Javier Milei scored a political victory on Wednesday after securing support from allied sectors in Congress to prevent the passing of a bill that would have increased pensions that he had recently vetoed.

The opposition failed to gather the votes necessary to insist on the law that was approved at the end of August and then vetoed by Milei on the grounds that it would unbalance public accounts.

While the vote was taking place, retirees and members of unions and social organizations clashed with police forces in the vicinity of Congress, demanding an increase in pensions at a time when inflation is around 236% annually.

A total of 153 deputies voted in favor of insisting on the law vetoed by the president, compared to 87 who opposed it and 8 who abstained. To reverse the veto, the opposition needed to gather two-thirds of the votes —166—, so the presidential decision remained in force.

Milei, an ultra-liberal who has made a zero deficit and cuts in public spending his main objective, vetoed on September 2 the law to reform the retirement and pension system promoted by the opposition.

Milei had argued that the law seriously hampered public finances because it entailed an extraordinary source of financing through debt or a tax increase.

After the president’s veto was announced, opponents warned they would insist on the initiative in Congress.

The legislation rejected by the president contemplated, in addition to the increase in pensions to compensate for the loss of purchasing power due to the abrupt rise in prices at the beginning of the year, its automatic update according to monthly inflation.

Retirees in Argentina face an accumulated inflation in the first eight months of the year of 94.8%.

AP Video by Victor R. Caivano

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News post in September 17, 2024, 12:04 am.

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