North Carolina voters agree on strong debate performance by Kamala Harris

(11 Sep 2024)

Pineville, North Carolina – 11 September 2024
1. Wide of Pineville Library
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Bridget Sinha, North Carolina Voter:
“There were a few questions that it didn’t seem like were answered very clearly by both candidates. But I feel like at the end of the day, Kamala Harris really articulated the best of what she is going to do for the country.”
3. Wide of flags
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Diana Davis, North Carolina Voter:
“So I’ve been watching the debates through all of his (Trump) multiple campaigns. And I have to say he came out weaker than I thought and weaker than he had performed in the other debates that I had seen. It was I think that he underestimated her as a debater. And he paid the price for that, unfortunately.”
5. Zoom of Pineville Library
6. Wide of Pineville traffic
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Jordan Patton, North Carolina Voter:
“She (Harris) did well, like I said, I feel like she presented very well. She was eloquent and was able to answer every question that was asked truthfully for the most part. And, also answering them, showing a reflection of her as well, and what she would be able to bring to the possible presidency.”
8. Close of bumper sticker
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Leeann Syndergaard, North Carolina Voter:
“She did a way better job. I was… I was planning on voting for Biden just because I would never vote for Donald Trump. And Biden did not do well in the last debate at all. It was pretty embarrassing. But I feel like Kamala did a really good job and she kind of let Trump just talk and dig himself into his own hole.”
10. Wide of bumper sticker
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Diana Davis, North Carolina Voter:
“So the economy is something that I’m obviously very interested in as a millennial. Of course, housing food is at the top of my mind. I don’t think the candidates did a really good job at addressing those very real issues for millennial voters. I was also interested to see what the candidates had to say about abortion, considering Trump’s evolution and what he’s been thinking about the topic. I think that he could have handled that question much better considering the progress that he has made for the Republicans on the abortion front. It wasn’t on the Republican platform for the first time in 40 years. And he didn’t mention that to people. He didn’t mention any of that. And maybe it’s because he didn’t want to alienate his base, but he didn’t do a really good job at communicating. He just continued to talk about these fear mongering points. And I think it did him and his campaign a complete disservice.”
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have faced each other on the debate stage for the first and possibly the last time. The

Democratic vice president opened Tuesday night’s debate with a power move, marching across the stage to Trump’s lectern to shake his hand. The exchange set the tone for the next 90 minutes. Harris controlled the conversation at times, baiting Trump with jabs at his economic policy, his refusal to concede his 2020 election loss and even his performance at his rallies. While Trump was often on defense, but he did drive the core message of his campaign — that inflation and immigration are hammering Americans.

About 6 in 10 debate-watchers said that Harris outperformed Trump, while about 4 in 10 said that Trump did a better job, according to a flash poll conducted by CNN. Before the debate, the same voters were evenly split on whether Trump or Harris would win.

AP video shot by Erik Verduzco

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News post in September 17, 2024, 12:05 am.

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