Speaker Johnson pulls a vote on a bill to avoid a partial government shutdown

(11 Sep 2024)
Washington – 11 September 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) House Speaker Mike Johnson, (R) Louisiana:
“The American people demand and deserve that we do everything possible to secure the elections. That’s what we’ve been saying consistently. That’s what I have heard from the people across the country in 198 cities, across 39 states. It’s consistent from coast to coast, north to south. We’re going to continue to work on this. The whip is going to do the hard work and build consensus. We’re going to work through the weekend on that. And I want any member of Congress in either party to explain to the American people why we should not ensure that only U.S. citizens are voting in U.S. elections. We’re going to work on that issue around the clock because we have an obligation to the people to do it. And that’s what the fight is. That’s what’s important.
(Reporter crosstalk)
No, no vote today because we’re in the consensus building business here in Congress with small majorities. That’s what you do. That’s what I’ve been doing since I became speaker. We’re having thoughtful conversations, family conversations within the Republican conference. And I believe we’ll get there. So, people have concerns about all sorts of things. That’s how the process works. And sometimes it takes a little more time. “
(Reporter: You’re pursuing this strategy, but not today?)
“We have two obligations right now, Congress has a lot of responsibilities, but two primary obligations: responsibly fund the government and make sure that our elections are free and fair and secure.”
Speaker Mike Johnson has pulled a vote on a temporary spending bill that would keep federal agencies and programs funded for six months.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the measure lacks the support to pass as a potential partial government shutdown looms.
The legislation would require that people registering to vote must provide proof of citizenship.
“We have two obligations right now, Congress has a lot of responsibilities, but two primary obligations: responsibly fund the government and make sure that our elections are free and fair and secure,” Johnson said.
Johnson is signaling he’s not backing off linking the two main pillars of the bill.
Congress needs to pass a stopgap spending bill before Oct. 1 to avoid a partial government shutdown just weeks before the election.


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News post in September 16, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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