German Chancellor says the door for migration talks with opposition ‘not closed’

(11 Sep 2024)

Berlin, Germany – 11 September 2024
1. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arriving at Bundestag, shaking hands and smiling
2. Wide of Bundestag
3. Scholz approaching lectern
4. SOUNDBITE (German) Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor:
"The number of people coming to us has fallen because we have introduced border controls, for example, and have now decided at the beginning of this week that we will continue to do so at all borders in Germany for as long as possible. We have been successful with this and we will continue this successful approach, ladies and gentlemen."
5. Lawmakers applauding
6. Scholz at lectern
7. SOUNDBITE (German) Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor:
"Leadership is not climbing a barricade, making demands with a wild gesture. Leadership is about turning around and being able to persuade your own people to compromise. That is leadership, Mr. (Friedrich) Merz (the Christian Democratic Union leader)."
8. Scholz speaking
9. Wide of Scholz at lectern
10. SOUNDBITE (German) Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor:
"And because the matter is so important, I would like to say explicitly that we are still ready. The door is not closed. We would do that with you."
11. Scholz speaking
12. SOUNDBITE (German) Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor:
"We will utilise all possibilities to issue rejections within the framework of the applicable law. And we have put a proposal for effective rejections on the table, that we are prepared to carry out with the opposition. And I say this: We will do it, even if you don’t go along with it. The government will implement this proposal and get it off the ground. And we hope that you will still be there and that you will not leave the door that we are keeping open, unused."
13. Scholz taking a seat
14. Wide of parliament, lawmakers applauding
15. Leader of the opposition Christian Democratic Union Friedrich Merz approaching lectern
16. Cameras
17. SOUNDBITE (German) Friedrich Merz, Christian Democratic Union leader:
"In our opinion, the proposals you submitted yesterday fall far short of the necessities. And that’s why we’re not – I beg your indulgence – we’re not going into an endless circle of talks with you."
18. Audience, visitors
19. Federal eagle
20. SOUNDBITE (German) Friedrich Merz, Christian Democratic Union leader:
"The allegation that this (breakdown of talks) was staged by me yesterday, the allegation that this was staged with the prime ministers in Germany, Mr. Chancellor, I can’t say it any other way: This allegation is malicious. It is malicious."
21. Merz taking seat
22. Wide of audience applauding
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Wednesday that "the door is not closed" on migration talks between the government and opposition, a day after cross-party discussions broke down.

"Leadership is not climbing a barricade, making demands with a wild gesture. Leadership is about turning around and being able to persuade your own people to compromise," Scholz told parliament.

But Friedrich Merz, leader of the opposition Christian Democratic Union, rejected the offer to continue talks, saying the government’s proposals on tackling irregular migration have fallen "far short of the necessities."

"We’re not going into an endless circle of talks with you," Merz said.

The government and many Germans welcomed refugees fleeing conflicts in Syria and elsewhere from 2015-16, when more than 1 million asylum-seekers entered the country.

But as large-scale migration to Europe continues nearly a decade later, a backlash is fueling the growth of far-right parties.

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News post in September 16, 2024, 3:06 pm.

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