Debate expert says Harris had ‘one of her best debates’ while Trump’s appearance was ‘inconsistent’

(11 Sep 2024)

Philadelphia – 10 September 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Aaron Kall, Presidential Debate Expert, University of Michigan:
"It was certainly a different debate in tenor and tone just from the start tonight than we saw in Atlanta just a few months ago. There was so much expectations coming into this as the race had narrowed in the last few days. First debate for Kamala Harris, where a seasoned Donald Trump has had seven contrasting styles and backgrounds and kind of philosophies in the debate. So it was a real clash of differences between the two."
2. STILL photos of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris during the debate ++PARTIALLY COVERS SOUNDBITE ABOVE++
3. STILL photo of Kamala Harris at debate ++PARTIALLY COVERS SOUNDBITE BELOW++
Philadelphia – 10 September 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Aaron Kall, Presidential Debate Expert, University of Michigan:
"Kamala Harris came in with a bunch of great degree of difficulties that she had to achieve tonight. She’s not as defined of voters. A good chunk want to know more about her. Given that she had such a tall task and the stakes were so high, I thought she performed very admirably with, I guess, a very formidable opponent and so much scrutiny on this this race. So she delivered one of her best debates. She was generally on the offense against Donald Trump, touting her experience as vice president, having a clear vision for where she wanted to lead the country and was just from the opening moments of the debate, really going toe to toe showing that she had the presidential gravitas as required for such a position. And I thought she acquitted herself pretty well."
5. Various STILL photos of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump during debate ++PARTIALLY COVERS SOUNDBITES++
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Aaron Kall, Presidential Debate Expert, University of Michigan:
"Donald Trump, I’d say, had an inconsistent performance, certainly not as well as he did in Atlanta. You know, he knocked out the sitting president and not having to seek reelection. So it was a high bar for him to achieve such success. As the debate progressed, he just got a little bit less disciplined and you could tell Kamala Harris achieved her goal of getting under his skin and I think took him off is little his best debate game tonight. Clearly, both of them have the target audience of independent swing voters in a handful of battleground states. I don’t know that any of them really sold the deal or finished that tonight. It’s hard in 90 minutes to have people that are kind of low information voters, very casual, don’t tune out all the time to make a formal decision. If anything, maybe in the coming days you’ll see some slight gains by Harris in that department because she probably had the better overall performance. But there’s this very small swath of voters. There’s not many of them. But the elections have been so close in the last few years and may even be closer for this time, that even if you effect thousands of them, tens of thousands, that could be enough to swing a very close election.

Miami Florida – 10 September 2024
8. STILL photo of people watching the debate in a Restaurant and Lounge in Miami ++PARTIALLY COVERS SOUNDBITE ABOVE++

Shawnee, Kansas – 10 September 2024
8. STILL photo of people in Kansas watching the debate in a theater ++PARTIALLY COVERS SOUNDBITE ABOVE++

While Trump was often on defense, but he did drive the core message of his campaign — that inflation and immigration are hammering Americans.

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News post in September 16, 2024, 9:04 am.

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