The next Johan Crufts? Every dog has his day – border collie’s slick soccer skills on Rio de Janeiro

(10 Sep 2024)
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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 8th September 2024

1. 00:08 Various of the border collie dog named Floki playing footvolley (a combination of soccer and volleyball), on Leblon beach
2. 00:58 SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Gustavo Rodrigues, 26-year-old Floki’s owner and footvolley coach:
“Sometimes he does things that even some professionals don’t, like positioning himself on the court. Sometimes it (the ball) goes from one side (of the court) to the other and he doesn’t turn his back turned to it. He turns toward the ball to always hit it straight on. There are a lot of players, even professional players, who, when they go to play, instead of turning to the ball, stand sideways. So, because of everything he’s done that he’s such a hit on Instagram. In terms of skill, he’s a 10.”
3. 01:30 SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Luiza Chioli, 21-year-old Tourist:
“Seeing social media, we had thought it was just cuts, that they used the best takes, But we saw he played, performed the whole time, did really well. It’s really cool.”
4. 01:39 Floki playing and jumping on his owner at the end of the game

SOURCE: Associated Press

A three-year-old border collie named Floki sparked wonder among bystanders in Rio de Janeiro beach on Sunday as he hangs tough in a game that even humans struggle to get a handle on, Footvolley.

Footvolley rules are essentially the same as beach volleyball but with a slightly lower net, and players are forbidden from using hands and arms.

Floki springs up from the sand to drive the ball with his mouth.

He has become something of an internet sensation in Brazil with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and TikTok.

Floki’s owner, Gustavo Rodrigues, is a footvolley coach, but swears he didn’t plan this.

He had wanted an American Bully, a decidedly less sprightly breed.

Floki came into Rodrigues’ life instead and quickly revealed his potential when, at just 2 months old, he started jumping after birthday balloons.

Rodrigues started Floki out on what’s called “altinha,” where a group standing in a circle juggles a soccer ball for as long as possible.

Last year, Floki made his debut in the much more complex, competitive game of footvolley — a hobby enjoyed by some Brazilian soccer stars after they retire, including World Cup winners Ronaldinho and Romário.

Footvolley players need poise, agility, coordination, timing, finesse.

Covering one side of the court between just two people means quick sprints back and forth on soft sand under the baking sun.

It’s no mean feat, but Floki was a natural. A star was born.

“He does things that even some professionals don’t — like positioning on the court,” said Rodrigues, 26. “Sometimes the ball goes from one side (of the court) to the other, and he doesn’t keep his back turned to it. He turns toward the ball to always hit it straight on.”

One of the awestruck onlookers Sunday was Luiza Chioli, who had traveled to Rio from Sao Paulo.

She already knew the famous Floki from TikTok, but hadn’t expected front-row seats to watch him while sipping her gin and tonic.

As Floki’s follower count has grown, partnerships and endorsement deals have come rolling in.

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News post in September 15, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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