Removal of Fukushima Daiichi melted fuel begins in a trial of sample return by tong carrying robot

(10 Sep 2024)

ARCHIVE: Fukushima, Japan – 24 August 2023
1. Various of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant seen in distance

Venice, Florida, United States – 21 August 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English), Lake Barrett, a former U.S. Department of Energy official and paid advisor to TEPCO:
“When the accident happened back on 3.11, the uranium core had all of fission products in it from operations, highly radioactive materials: iodine, cesium, strontium, plutonium as well. The plutonium doesn’t move much. But when it melted, it all mixed up, and then it came out on the floor, and then the sort of like lava out of a volcano, that kind of hot. And then it moved and flowed sideways. But inside were all these fission products. And as some of the steel melted around it, the concrete degraded, all the other materials melted, wires, melted lead, they all mixed together with the radioactive materials — so the cesium and strontium — so it has a high gamma field that’s like X-rays. So people can’t go in there, we have to do it remotely. The radiation levels are much too high for real people to go inside.”

ARCHIVE: Fukushima – 27 February 2021
3. Wide of Fukushima No.1 power plant
4. Various of close of reactor 1

Florida, United States – 21 August 2024
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Lake Barrett, a former U.S. Department of Energy official and paid advisor to TEPCO:
“So it’s going take time to develop the investigative robots to go in and take more samples. And then even more time yet to have the muscle robots — ones that can actually go with cutters and cut pieces and pick up pieces of debris and put it in special engineered canisters. And then you have a system to bring out these canisters that will weigh several hundred kilograms, but there’ll be thousands of these canisters. But they will be highly radioactive.

ARCHIVE: Fukushima – 27 February 2021
6. Close of reactor 2
7. Close of reactor 3

Florida, United States – 21 August 2024
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Lake Barrett, a former U.S. Department of Energy official and paid advisor to TEPCO:
The goal is to remove the highly radioactive material known as ‘core debris’ that’s all over the floor in these highly contaminated buildings. You need to remove that, probably inside engineered cannisters, stainless steel cannisters, half a meter in diameter and a couple of meters tall and put those in storage. That is the long-term goal. How long does it take to do it? I don’t know. It’s going to take a long time. It’s going to take decades. Two decades, three decades, four decades… the technology exists."

ARCHIVE: Fukushima – 27 February 2021
9. Various of close of reactor 4

Florida, United States – 21 August 2024
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Lake Barrett, a former U.S. Department of Energy official and paid advisor to TEPCO:
“This is a very significant step to actually retrieve material from inside and bring it out. They’ve had good success with putting their little robots in and taking pictures and doing that. And that’s been necessary. But we need to continue on because the main task lies ahead to remove, you know, thousands of tons of this highly contained material robotically inside. So it’s going to take hundreds of samples like this. But the first one is the most important.”

ARCHIVE: Fukushima, Japan – 24 August 2023
11. Various of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant seen in distance

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News post in September 15, 2024, 6:04 am.

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