German and Indian foreign ministers agree on need for closer cooperation on trade, Indo-Pacific

(10 Sep 2024)

Berlin, Germany – 10 September 2024
1. Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock arriving
2. Audience applauding
3. Jaishankar and Baerbock taking a seat
4. Audience listening
5. Wide of Jaishankar walking on stage
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Indian Foreign Minister:
"Whether it is the volatility of pandemics, climate effects, conflicts or coercion, there is a growing interest in forging more reliable and resilient supply chains. Similarly, the digital era requires trusted partners and secure data flows. When it comes to international peace and stability, those with shared values and convergent interests must collaborate in defense and security."
7. Indian, German and EU flags
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Indian Foreign Minister:
"In a globalized existence, instability anywhere has consequences everywhere. It is untenable, therefore, for major nations to limit their horizons. But to act on that it is necessary to forge partnerships and understandings that is best done where there is comfort, where there is confidence, and where there is convergence. This is what we are seeking as we build between India and Germany a stronger relationship. And that is why we believe that Germany too should take greater interest in the Indo-Pacific, just as we in India seek to do in the Euro-Atlantic."
9. Cutaway of German Foreign Ministry logo
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Indian Foreign Minister:
"Today, geopolitics, geoeconomics and technology are driving us closer. How much we make of it depends on all of us. That is my message to you."
11. Wide of audience applauding, Jaishankar shaking hands with Baerbock, both taking a seat on podium
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Annalena Baerbock, German Foreign Minister:
"Your stronger interest in the transatlantic is echoed by our stronger interest in the Indo-Pacific and we are all looking forward not only to the governmental consultations, not only to go together to Goa with regard to the Indo-Pacific deployment from our security forces, from our army, but we are extremely looking forward to meet in October again at the Asia Pacific Conference of German Business in Delhi, because this is what makes us all stronger."
13. Jaishankar and Baerbock shaking hands on stage and leaving
Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar stressed the need for cooperation and stronger partnerships between India and Germany "in a globalized existence."

Speaking at a panel discussion at the German Ministry in Berlin on Tuesday, Jaishankar suggested, "Germany too should take greater interest in the Indo-Pacific, just as we in India seek to do in the Euro-Atlantic."

Shortly after, Jaishankar shared the stage with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who underlined the willingness of further cooperation of both countries while mentioning the upcoming Asia Pacific Conference of German Business in Delhi in October.

The two foreign ministers are expected to speak to journalists on an official joint news conference later on Tuesday.

AP Video by Pietro De Cristofaro


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News post in September 15, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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