Wall Street Week 09/13/2024

On this edition of Wall Street Week, Centerview Partners co-founder Blair Effron tells us how Wall Street sees Vice President Harris and former President Trump’s economic policies. Activate Founder Michael Wolf says that the rise of legalized sports betting stands to transform the way media companies monetize the NFL season. Rockefeller International Chairman Ruchir Sharma says that the housing affordability challenge in the US began well before the Great Financial Crisis, and Basilinna Chair & CEO Deborah Lehr says that trade is no longer used as a tool to open up economies.

00:00:00 – Effron: CEOs Don’t Want 10% Across-the-Board Tariffs
00:09:21 – Effron: Need Interest Rates to Come Down
00:17:31 – Wolf: Sports Betting is Boosting Media Companies
00:23:52 – Sharma: Massive Supply Shortage in Homes
00:32:43 – Lehr: Trade is No Longer a Way of Opening up Markets
00:43:03 – One More Thought
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Author: Bloomberg Television
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News post in September 14, 2024, 12:04 am.

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