Jordan keeps bridge at West Bank crossing closed for second day after shooting

(9 Sep 2024)

Southern Shouneh, Jordan – 9 September 2024
1. Various of main gate of Allenby Bridge Crossing over the Jordan River, also known as the King Hussein Bridge
2. Various of families waiting outside gate with their belongings after crossing was closed for a second day
3. Vehicles on street
4. Women seated next to their belongings
5. Men standing in street
6. Men standing next to luggage
7. Man standing next to vehicle
8. Women crossing street with their belongings
9. Various of trucks queued on road leading to King Hussein Bridge
10. Tracking shot of trucks
Jordanian authorities are keeping the bridge at the border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan closed for a second day.

This comes after three Israelis were shot and killed Sunday at the border crossing in what appeared to be an attack linked to the 11-month-old war in Gaza.

The Allenby crossing over the Jordan River, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, is mainly used by Palestinians and tourists.

Jordan announced its closure for a second day to passengers in both directions as well as trucks until further notice.

Families gathered in front of the gate with their belongings and waited for some time, before leaving upon confirming the news of the closure.

Israel’s military said on Sunday that the gunman approached the Allenby Bridge Crossing from the Jordanian side in a truck and opened fire at Israeli security forces, who killed him in a shootout.

Israel’s Magen David Adom rescue service said the three Israelis were men in their 50s and the military said they were civilians.

Relatives identified the gunman as Maher al-Jazi, a retired Jordanian soldier from Athroh, a town in the impoverished Maan area.

Jordan’s state-run Petra News Agency said he was transporting goods to the West Bank.

The interior ministry said that, based on initial investigation results, the incident was an individual act.


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News post in September 14, 2024, 9:04 am.

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