Witness recounts deadly shooting at border crossing between West Bank and Jordan

(8 Sep 2024)

Southern Shouneh, Jordan – 8 September 2024
1. Wide of King Hussein Bridge main gate
2. Wide of police vehicles at the gate
3. Various of vehicle carrying passengers leaving King Hussein Bridge
4. Wide of travelers leaving King Hussein Bridge.
5. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Mohammad Walid, 22-year-old Jordanian traveler and eyewitness:
“What I saw with my own eyes, we were sitting and standing at the checkpoint waiting for our turn after the bus in front of us was searched. There was a bus and a truck in front of us. A man got out and carried out the operation. Thank god nothing happened to us, nothing happened to us or the passenger but the truck drivers were put on the ground. We bus passengers didn’t know what to do and we were panicking. After that they returned us to the city of pilgrims (Jordanian side), and we waited for 3 to 4 hours and after that we were returned (to Jordan).”
6. Various of women with their belongings leaving
7. Tracking of family inside vehicle returning back to Jordan
8. Wide of main road leading to King Hussein Bridge
9. Wide of Jordan’s King and Crown Prince photos near Bridge’s gate.
Jordanian authorities closed King Hussein Bridge on Sunday after the shooting incident that took place on the Israeli side.

Three Israelis were shot and killed Sunday at the border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan, Israeli officials said, in what appeared to be an attack linked to the 11-month-old war in Gaza.

The military said the gunman approached the Allenby Bridge Crossing from the Jordanian side in a truck and opened fire at Israeli security forces, who killed the assailant in a shootout.

It said the three people killed were Israeli civilians.

Israel’s Magen David Adom rescue service said they were all men in their 50s.

Jordan is investigating the shooting, its state-run Petra News Agency reported.

The Western-allied Arab country made peace with Israel in 1994, but is deeply critical of its policies toward the Palestinians.

Jordan has a large Palestinian population and has seen mass protests against Israel over the war in Gaza.

The Allenby crossing over the Jordan River, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, is mainly used by Palestinians and international tourists, as well as for cargo shipments.

The crossing has seen very few security incidents over the years, but in 2014 Israeli security guards shot and killed a Jordanian judge who they said had attacked them.

Authorities in Israel and Jordan said the crossing was closed until further notice, and Israel later announced the closure of both of its land crossings with Jordan, near Beit Shean in the north and Eilat in the south.


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News post in September 13, 2024, 3:05 pm.

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