Pedro Almodovar, Maura Delpero and Vincent Lindon react to their big wins in Venice

(7 Sep 2024)
Venice, Italy – 7 September 2024
1. Reverse zoom out shot of Maura Delpero speaking with reporters
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Brady Corbet, director:
“It’s very moving. And I really, you know, I’ve watched my daughter grow up at this festival. She was just one year – I think she was about 14 months, she just started walking when we were here for the first time. And now she’s ten. So, I have a tool with which to measure the time by, I –no, I’m of course, I’m very moved.”
3. Brady Corbet speaks with reporters
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Brady Corbet, director:
“I generally never prepare speeches, but I, you know, I’ve been – I’m working on several projects at the moment, so I’ve been up all night, usually because I’m working on U.S. hours over here. So, I thought that it was important, tonight, after I spoke to my wife, that I actually put something down in writing.”
5. Dea Kulumbegashvili speaks with reporter
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Dea Kulumbegashvili, director – on size of the award:
“It’s heavy, yes. So, I cannot give it to my child to play because he’s too little for this.”
7. Dea Kulumbegashvili speaks with reporter
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Dea Kulumbegashvili, director:
“It’s been a great experience to be here, and my film there is quite challenging and maybe quite confronting, I would say. I was so happy to be there at the screening and to see the audience respond. And this prize is just maybe, reaffirmation or a confirmation for the entire team who actually dedicated so much to this film, that their work did not vanish unnoticed somehow, especially for those who were not here at the screening.”
9. Maura Delpero speaking with reporter
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Maura Delpero, director:
“It’s a film that talks about Italy, about the event, its history, our past. So in a way, I think it’s also, like, something that is, how do you say? An homage to our nation, yeah. I’m happy and proud also, too.”
11. Maura Delpero speaking with reporter
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Maura Delpero, director – on where she’ll put the award:
“No, I didn’t think about this. I know that my little daughter will look at it a lot because she loves lions, so I will have to take it very away from her because it’s dangerous. It’s too heavy for her.”
(Reporter: “You have to have a party for all the little kids in the film to celebrate.”)
“We had it and they are organizing it for the premiere in the Valley very soon. I think it will be so funny, really.”
13. Maura Delpero speaking with reporter and holding up her award saying, “Thank you, Venice.”
14. Pedro Almodovar speaking with reporter
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Pedro Almodovar, director:
“I feel fine. I mean, I mean, this is a dream. I’m very happy. Very happy.”
16. Pedro Almodovar speaking with reporter
17. SOUNDBITE (English-Spanish) Pedro Almodovar, director:
“You know that really, I mean, the Venice Festival where the first place – I mean, the first festival that I went out from Spain. It was in the year 1983. So it was really with my movie, with the movie — what was the name here? It was, I mean, in Spanish, it was ‘Entre Tinieblas.’"
19. Pedro Almodovar speaking with reporter
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Vincent Lindon, actor:
21. Vincent Lindon speaking with reporters
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Vincent Lindon, actor – on his win:
23. Vincent Lindon speaking with reporters
24. SOUNDBITE (English) Vincent Lindon, actor – on what he’ll do with his award:
“It’s very, very heavy. Very heavy.”

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News post in September 13, 2024, 12:00 am.

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