The latest tech in semiconductors – the unsung heroes of the tech world.

(7 Sep 2024)



LENGTH: 5:41

Taipei, Taiwan – 4 September 2024

1. Various of Hiwin booth, a Taiwanese robotic arm manufacturer
2. Various of visitors checking the robotic arms that carry wafers
3. Various of robotic arms carrying wafers inside a device
4. Various of monitors showing robotic arms carrying wafers inside a device
5. Various of Lintec booth, a Taiwanese company that makes adhesive film
6. Close of glass display case with wafers with adhesive films
7. Various of Zuck Lin demonstrating the use of an adhesive film
8. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Zuck Lin, salesperson, Lintec Advanced Technologies (Taiwan), Inc.
“In the process of packaging, they would need adhesive films when polishing or thinning, to thin them to the thickness required by the clients, which is part of the packaging process.”

9. Various of adhesive film
10. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Zuck Lin, salesperson, Lintec Advanced Technologies (Taiwan), Inc.
“After thinning it, we need to cut the wafers into pieces. Our company’s products are then needed for this process. Wafers’ surface are not flat. Our adhesive films would then make them flat (when put on the wafers) and protect them during thinning.”

11. Various of adhesive films in other colours
12. Various of wafers with adhesive films
14. Wide of Lasertec booth
15. Various of Lasertec confocal microscope
16. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin)  Hiroshi Seki, sales engineer, Lasertec
“What is our microscope for? It serves to magnify things our eyes can’t see. After magnifying, we can observe and measure products. At the same time, it can display a 3D image for measuring. As shown on our panel here, it displays the roughness of products to see how smooth they are, to see if they have bumps. Our microscopes can do that.”

17. Various of Seki operating the confocal microscope to observe bumps on a semiconductor with data displayed on a screen in three dimensions
18. SOUNDBITE: (Mandarin) Hiroshi Seki, sales engineer, Lasertec
“This displays micro bumps in a device we are checking. These bumps are very small. There are thousands of them in a very little surface. Each bump works like an electrode and can connect with other parts. So, our microscope is able to see the quality of these bumps.”

19. Various of bumps displayed in 3D on a panel
20. Various of glass material manufactured by Corning, the glass is used in lithography machines employed in the production of semiconductors
21. Pan right of sign advertising ‘SEMICON TAIWAN’

Taiwan is the world’s leading supplier of semiconductors, an essential component of all the latest electronics from mobile phones to cars.

Semicon Taiwan is a major global trade event showcasing the latest technologies in this important sector.


Semiconductors are the unsung heroes of the tech world.

Phones, cars, computers, military systems, hospitals, and airlines all rely on semiconductors.

Essentially, a semiconductor is a material that has an electrical conductivity value falling between that of a conductor and an insulator.

And Taiwan is the world’s leading supplier of semiconductors, so it’s a fitting home for Semicon – a global tech fair bringing together 1,100 exhibitors and 3,700 booths.

The production of semiconductors requires the participation of technologies from various sectors, including robotic arms that carefully carry wafers with precision.

A wafer is the name for the round disc of semiconductor produced by semiconductor companies.

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News post in September 12, 2024, 3:04 am.

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