Devoted father stays by side of Ukrainian soldier with severe brain injury

(4 Sep 2024)

Modrychi, Ukraine – 28 August 2024
1. Various of Serhii Shumei singing Ukrainian song to his veteran son Vitalii Shumei
2. Close-up of photos of Vitalii Shumei during his military service
3. Various of Vitalii Shumei doing rehabilitation with physical therapist
4. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Mykola Nadych, physical therapist in Modrychi rehabilitation centre:
"Compared to when Vitalii came here, we have made significant progress in all senses. Vitalii talks more, Vitalii has better head control, Vitalii can make some movements with his legs and arms. Vitali is also fully adapted to the vertical position. He can stand for a long time, he can sit for a long time. We even tried to walk with him."
5. Various of Vitalii Shumei doing rehabilitation with physical therapist
6. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Serhii Shumei, father of Ukrainian veteran Vitalii Shumei:
"This is my child, and I have to hold on and do everything I can to help him get better. And I will say further. If anyone feels like giving up, with soldiers or civilians, don’t give up, hold on by a thread and know that you must win. If we do that, and they feel they have help, they try themselves (to recover)."

Chernihiv, Ukraine – 16 January 2023
7. Various of Serhii Shumei treating Vitalii

Modrychi, Ukraine – 28 August 2024
8. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian), Serhii Shumei, father of Ukrainian veteran Vitalii Shumei:
"I am proud of my son. God, give me health, I will get him walking. Good people, I will get his legs moving."
9. Various of Vitalii in rehabilitation
10. Various of Vitalii laughing when his father jokes
11. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Serhii Shumei, father of Ukrainian veteran Vitalii Shumei:
"It was February 21, he laughed, began to laugh openly. This is already a huge result for me. Now he can speak more and more. He is already rude, but the main thing is that he talks. Even once I asked him "are you tired of me yet?" and he answered "yes". Then I told him "So I will go home then. Should I?" and he said "no"."
12. Close-up of Vitalii laughing
13. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Iryna Tymofeyeva, volunteer:
"I knew all his improvements, deterioration and everything else over the phone. But now I can see him with my own eyes.. I just came and thought, God, one and a half years is such a long journey, such a difficult journey. But what we hoped for, we see. It’s incredible, for me it’s incredible, because at the time when we started working with him, not a single doctor, not a single person, didn’t give him a single chance."
14. Various of Tymofeyeva reading wishes that people wrote to Vitalii; UPSOUND (Ukrainian) Tymofeyeva reading wishes that people wrote to Vitalii "How much strength, patience, lust for life do you need? Never lose them warrior, and get well, definitely get well."
For two years, a devoted father has stayed by the side of his bedridden son, a Ukrainian soldier who suffered a severe brain injury.

During his time in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, the father finds joy in every small improvement made by his 36-year-old son: a smile, a new word, an unexpected movement.

These milestones mark a progress the doctors doubted would ever come.

The Associated Press reported on Vitalii Shumei’s story one and a half years ago, and it went viral.

It brought attention of many across the world, including Ukraine’s football club Shakhtar, which offered to pay for the expensive treatment Vitalii Shumei badly needed.

Serhii’s life now revolves around his son’s future.

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News post in September 9, 2024, 9:05 am.

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