Pope likely to put care for environment high on the agenda during visit to smog-smothered Jakarta

(3 Sep 2024)

Jakarta, Indonesia – 2 September 2024
1. Iconic National Monument visible amid air pollution
2. Dome of Istiqlal mosque, amidst visible air pollution
3. Pan right grey pollution on Jakarta’s skyline
4. Piotr Jakubowski, air pollution expert, working on his laptop
5. Close up of Jakubowski
6. Jakubowski’s finger pointing at red dots on screen showing severe pollution concentration in Jakarta
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Piotr Jakubowski, Air Pollution expert, Co-founder Nafas (wearing t-shirt with slogan reading in Indonesian ‘Ini bukan’, which translates to ‘That’s not fog’ in English)
“So, a few years ago, when we started talking about air pollution, we discovered that people woke up in the morning and they thought that they saw fog. It’s a morning fog. It’s a nice day. It’s clean. And, and we were saying, hey, guys, this is air pollution. This is not fog. So, it actually this (writing on my t-shirt) means ‘that’s not fog’. And it’s kind of become the rallying cry for us, to remind people that every time they see a grey sky, every time they can’t see the clouds, it’s not because it’s about the rain. It’s because the air pollution is unfortunately that high.”
8. Motorbikes crowding the road
9. Pan left of cars and motorbikes stuck in traffic jams
10. Top shot of cars stuck in long traffic jams during rush hour
11. Close of bikes and exhaust
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Piotr Jakubowski, Air Pollution expert, Co-founder Nafas:
“Indonesia has the worst air pollution in Southeast Asia. There are other countries like Thailand. In Thailand, it’s a seasonal problem. January, February, March. They do stubble burning. In Indonesia, cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta. Many of the largest places, it happens every single year. And, one of our hopes is that, the incoming administration takes this as an opportunity to, fix some of the regulations. That should have been happening over the last 5 to 10 years. And, and create an environment for, for everybody."
13. Various of street shots, women wearing masks walking on the sidewalk and crossing a zebra crossing
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Piotr Jakubowski, Air Pollution expert, Co-founder Nafas:
“The visit of the Pope is great because it provides a sounding board from another very well-respected world leader. You know, Indonesia is 98% Muslim, but, you know, the visit of the pope is something that is really a big event in Jakarta, and for the country. So, having his voice on things like the environment is really great to see. And hopefully he can inspire more and more people to take more care in the environment."

Jakarta, Indonesia – 1 September 2024
15. Tilt-down of Jakarta cathedral
16. Pan right of people attending mass beside the cathedral building
17. Statue of Jesus Christ
18. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Laurentius Goman, 43, private company worker:
“I strongly support the church to raise more pollution issues. So, the congregation is more aware of the importance of healthy and fresh air. We currently live in a very crowded place.”
19. Various of people crowding the main road of Jakarta during car free day
20. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Elisabeth Damanik, 50, Catholic housewife:
“Wow, it is very necessary, because it is for the welfare and health of people. It is very good that we also maintain that pollution is reduced.”
21. LED poster saying "Welcome Pope Francis, Indonesia 2024"
22. Iconic Bunderan HI Welcome statue
23. Welcome statue, couple waving

The pope has made caring for the environment a hallmark of his pontificate.

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News post in September 8, 2024, 3:04 am.

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