Paris Paralympics organizers defend postponement of triathlon swim in River Seine

(1 Sep 2024)

Paris, 1 September 2024
1. Various of the River Seine
2. Mid of news conference with Antoine Guillou, Deputy Mayor responsible for cleanliness, refuse recycling and sanitation, Pierre Rabadan, Deputy Mayor in charge of Sport, Olympic and Paralympic Games and Lazreg Benel-Hadj of the French Swimming Federation
3. SOUNDBITE (French) Antoine Guillou, Paris Deputy Mayor responsible for cleanliness, refuse recycling and sanitation:
Reporter: "Was this postponement of the para-Olympic triathlon competition because of the weather foreseeable?"
‘We know that in a certain number of weather configurations, when there are significant rain episodes, in this case not so significant in Paris but relatively significant upstream, we know that there can be places in the sewage network upstream of Paris where there can be a certain number of spills, resulting in a one-off deterioration in water quality. This is what happened after the rainy spells on Friday and Saturday. But what we also know, and what we were able to observe during the Olympic Games and before that throughout the summer, is that water quality generally recovers within 48 hours on average. It may be a little quicker or a little slower, but in general we recover water quality that is sufficient for swimming and competition standards. This is typically the scenario we saw during the Olympic Games and the scenario we expect for the Paralympics."
4. Mid of news conference
5. SOUNDBITE (French) Pierre Rabadan, Deputy Mayor in charge of Sport, Olympic and Paralympic Games:
‘It was essential, firstly, to demonstrate that the water quality was good enough for bathing, even if today we can see that there is still some mistrust and questions. We are dealing with a scientific analysis of water quality, it is not up to anyone or anywhere to decide whether the water is suitable for bathing or not, we have precise data that tell us whether the water quality is good or not. To do this, we had to issue the entire bathing plan and also convince people that it was safe to bathe, with athletes being able to do so in 2024 and the general public in 2025."
6. Various of the River Seine
Paralympic triathlon competitions in Paris scheduled for Sunday have been postponed because of concerns about water quality in the Seine River after heavy rainfall, organisers said.

The 11 para triathlon events are now scheduled for Monday, if upcoming water testing allows, the Paris 2024 organising committee and World Triathlon said in a joint statement.

Rainstorms hit the French capital on Friday and Saturday.

Heavy rains cause wastewater and runoff to flow into the river, leading to a rise in bacteria levels including E. Coli.

"What we also know, and what we were able to observe during the Olympic Games and before that throughout the summer, is that water quality generally recovers within 48 hours on average," Paris Deputy Mayor, Antoine Guillou, told reporters.

This is the second scheduled change for the para triathlon events.

They had initially been scheduled to take place over two days, Sunday and Monday, but were moved to Sunday because of rain forecasts.

The disruption is another hiccup for the city’s efforts to clean up the river for future public swimming, one of Paris’ most ambitious promises ahead of hosting the Olympics and Paralympics this summer.

The men’s individual triathlon event during the Paris Olympics was delayed and several test swims were cancelled because of high E. coli levels after


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News post in September 6, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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