Group fosters pets for people recovering from drug, alcohol addiction

(1 Sep 2024)

Denver – 3 June 2024
1. Various of dogs at the kennel that donates space for PAWsitive Recovery
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Serena Saunders, program manager, PAWsitive Recovery:
“Yeah, so PAWsitive Recovery is a program that takes in animals for people going to treatment for drugs, alcohol or domestic violence or mental health crisis."

Aurora, Colorado – 3 June 2024
3. Former PAWsitive Recovery participant, Simon Rubick, petting his German shepherd

Denver – 3 June 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Serena Saunders, program manager, PAWsitive Recovery:
“So, many of these folks have had the unconditional love and support of just their animal, especially when they’re in active addiction. So, when you’re looking at going into treatment and what the options are for you, you’re not going to compound trauma that you’ve already had by giving up the one thing that hasn’t given up on you, and that’s people’s animals."

Aurora, Colorado – 3 June 2024
5. Simon Rubick petting his German shepherd
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Simon Rubick, former PAWsitive Recovery participant:
“My first time in rehab, I was 17 years old. I found cocaine in high school and knew right away that there was a problem."
7. Rubick playing with his German shepherd
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Simon Rubick, former PAWsitive Recovery participant:
“My most recent bout was with crack cocaine, and it took everything from me."
9. Rubick playing with his German shepherd
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Simon Rubick, former PAWsitive Recovery participant:
“I almost stepped out of recovery because my, I, I wasn’t going to let my dog. It was, it was either that or, or the pound, like, which, in which case I would have lost my dog.”

Denver – 26 March 2024
11. Foster dog licking the camera lens
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Ben Cochell, pet foster, PAWsitive Recovery:
“That barrier to being able to do the next right thing to, to get help because you’re so worried about, you know, the one companion that might be sticking with you through this whole thing. And the difficulty that might be to, to give them up. And so you don’t have to. You can find a temporary, loving home, and that way you can get the help you need and continue on your journey, or at least get a good start.”
13. Various of Cochell and his family playing with their pets and the foster dog

Aurora, Colorado – 3 June 2024
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Simon Rubick, former PAWsitive Recovery participant:
“You know, it’s that, it’s that connection to, you know, caring for another creature and having and having something else care for you the way that animals do. You know, it’s just unconditional. And sometimes that’s one of the things that people in recovery really need to, to be able to feel, you know?”
15. Various of Rubick petting his German shepherd
Simon Rubick had seemingly lost everything after decades of alcoholism and drug addiction.

In 2022, he found himself without a vehicle and without a home, which forced his two teenage children to go live with friends. He had burnt countless bridges with friends and family, and it took a drug-induced stint in the hospital for him to realize his addiction to crack cocaine was going to be a “death sentence.”

Rubick, who lives in Arvada, Colorado, knew he needed help. But first he had to figure out what to do with one of the only sources of unconditional love and support he had left _ his beloved German shepherd rescue dog, Tonks.

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News post in September 6, 2024, 6:00 am.

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