Ambassadors to Israel join vigil for six killed hostages recovered from Gaza

(1 Sep 2024)

Tel Aviv, Israel – 1 September 2024
1. Candles in front of pictures of six Israeli hostages whose bodies were recovered from Gaza
2. Pan across pictures of hostages and candles
3. Various of German Ambassador to Israel Steffen Seibert signing guest book at Israeli Hostages and Missing Families Forum headquarters
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Steffen Seibert, German Ambassador to Israel:
"This is one of the saddest days since October 7th, waking up and receiving confirmation that six hostages were cruelly and brutally killed by Hamas in just the last couple of days is incredibly painful. I think of the hostages’ families. I’m very close to the family of Carmel Gat, we’ve been fighting for her release for 10 months and now that it has come to this is incredibly sad. There needs to be a deal now, there’s nothing more important than bringing the hostages, the remaining hostages home. Nothing can be more important."
5. US Ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew addressing gathering, UPSOUND (English): "We’re not going to give up. We’re going to continue to press for there to be a hostage deal for the hostages to come home and for there to be a cease-fire. The work is still hard. It can be done and we’re not going to rest until it’s done. The brutal murder of the six hostages cannot be forgotten and what we need to do is find a pathway to bring the rest of the hostages home. That’s what we in the United States from the president on down are committed to."
6. Candle being lit
7. US Ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew addressing gathering, UPSOUND (English): "Last night we had to give our condolences to an American family. An American citizen was killed in the tunnels, that was not something that we take lightly. It is a deep, deep wound and our condolences, our heartfelt condolences, but also our outrage is something that we want to share. And we’ve got to get this done and we’ve got to get it done soon. There just is no time. For weeks we’ve been saying time is of the essence. Last night we saw we are in overtime. We lost six precious lives. We have to get this done."
8. Ruby Chen, father of Israeli hostage Corporal Itay Chen, whose body is still held in Gaza, addressing gathering, UPSOUND (English): "These are times of urgency and we have gotten the support of the Union of Israel, the workers, to go on strike tomorrow as an indication of the urgency of now. And we urge also our international community partners and friends from the US, Germany and others, we have no time and if it means that the international community needs to come up with a proposal and enforce it on all the parties, Hamas and Israel, so be it. We need to get the living hostages out for rehabilitation and the killed back to burial on the holy sacred ground of Israel. So we urge the international community, please do more."
9. Zoom out from candles to ambassadors standing
Dozens of ambassadors and diplomats to Israel joined a vigil to the six hostages whose bodies were recovered from Gaza on Sunday.

The officials met with loved ones of those abducted and held by Hamas militants at the Hostages and Missing Families Forum offices in Tel Aviv .

The Israeli military said all six had been killed shortly before the arrival of its forces.

The manner of their recovery sparked calls for mass protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom many Israelis blame for failing to bring them back alive in a deal with Hamas to end the 10-month-old war.

Negotiations over such a deal have dragged on for months.

AP video shot by Alon Bernstein

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News post in September 6, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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