The Sleeping Giant: Life in the Shadow of Mount Vesuvius

(29 Aug 2024)



LENGTH: 7:25

Naples, Italy – 29 June 2024

1. Various drone shots of city of Naples and Vesuvius
2. Various of views of Naples and Vesuvius
3. Drone shot of Naples to reveal Vesuvius
4. Wide of group of people walking down a trekking path
5. Close of trekking path sign
6. Set up shot of Pino Gallo, member of CAI (Italian Alpine Club) Vesuvius, indicating rocks on lava flow
7. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Pino Gallo, member of CAI (Italian Alpine Club) Vesuvius:
“Initially, it is just lava, arid soil. The first precursor is a lichen, which is typical of Vesuvius. It is endemic and it is called ‘stereocaulon vesuvianum”. This is the first living being that attaches itself to the rocks and begins to break it down, thus creating a substrate on which all other plant species subsequently follow one another.”

8. Wide pan left of lava flow
9. Various of lichen
10. Various set up shots of agriculturist Luigi Gallo walking on lava flow and observing rock with lichens
11. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Luigi Gallo, agriculturist:
“The soil will originate from this lichen. Following the colonization of the lichen, we have the colonization of the mosses, which we can see here on the rocks and, continuing with the formation of the soil, we will then have the settlement of various grasses, valerian, ferns, which are plants that need little soil to grow and are able to exploit the nutrients of the soil well.”

12. Various details of lichens and plants
13. Wide of lava flow and plants
14. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Luigi Gallo, agriculturist:
“Lava flows have passed through this area over time and, obviously, during the pathogenesis process that we have described in the lava river area, the soil and its ecosystem are formed. We will get to this situation where we were before, maybe in 20, 50, 100 years, there will be a forest, like this one, an ecosystem that will reach its balance.”

15. Tracking shot of trekkers’ feet walking down a path
16. Various of horses tied to fence
17. Wide of tourists overlooking landscape from path
18. Various of tourists climbing up trekking path
19. Drone shot of crater
20. Set up shot of Nicola Fedele volcanological guide of Vesuvius, walking to crater rim
21. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Nicola Fedele, volcanological guide of Vesuvius:
“Vesuvius is considered among the most dangerous volcanoes due to the urban density around it, as are the Campi Flegrei. An evacuation plan including various phases is in place. The last phase precedes the eruptive event, we are not talking about a very long time. In this final phase, about five hundred thousand people will have to be evacuated.”

22. Mid of smoke inside crater
23. Mid of scientific measuring instrument on Vesuvius
24. Wide of tourists standing by crater rim
25. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Nicola Fedele, volcanological guide of Vesuvius:
“For those who are born here, Vesuvius is a substantial part. I couldn’t imagine Naples and the Gulf without the silhouette of Vesuvius. But we must live close to it with respect and, above all, we must understand that we are close to a volcano that is still active. So, more than worry or fear, there is a deep respect for the volcano.”

26. Various details of flowers and rocks
27. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Luigi Gallo, agriculturist:

28. Various of inside crater
29. Wide of tourists by crater rim
30. Mid of religious images by crater rim
31. Wide of tumbling rocks inside crater
32. Wide of crater
33. Drone shot of Vesuvius



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News post in September 3, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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