Hostages’ relatives join convoy from Tel Aviv to Kibbutz Be’eri to demand release deal

(28 Aug 2024)

Tel Aviv, Israel – 28 August 2024
1. Zoom out relatives of hostages and supporters announcing the convoy to drive from Tel Aviv to Southern Israel, near the border with Gaza, chanting (English) “Bring them home, now.”
2. Tilt up from a picture of a hostage on shirt to demonstrator
3. Mid of demonstrators carrying banner reading (Hebrew/ Egnlish) "Bring them home now"
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruby Chen, Father of Itay Chen, hostage held in Gaza:
“We’ve listened more than many, many times that each time there is an obstacle, one time it is called Rafah (city in Southern Gaza Strip) now it is called the Philadelphi corridor and God help us there will be more in the future. We need this to end after three hundred and twenty-seven days, everyone needs to come out. We all understand to make this happen we need a cease-fire in order to bring everybody out.”
5. Convoy of cars with Israeli flags and pictures of the hostages on their doors.
6. Mid of car moving away with banner reading (English) "Seal the deal"
7. Various of convoy of cars with Israeli flags and pictures, moving

Kibbutz Be’eri, Israel – 28 August 2024
8. People waving Israeli flags and yellow flags (A symbol for the hostages) welcoming the convoy
9. Various of pictures of hostages on the side of the road and convoy arriving slowly
10. Wide of relatives of hostages and supporters sitting
11. Close of a banner reading (English and Hebrew) “Bring them home – now!”
12. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Eliya Dancyg, granddaughter of the hostage Oded Dancyg, died in Hamas captivity:
“We prayed, believed that human life is the most important value here in the state of Israel. I figured out that these values are metaphors and have expired, and politicians prefer power to saving lives.”
13. Wide of relatives of hostages and supporters sitting
14. Mid of demonstrators holding photos of the hostages
15. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Eliya Dancyg, granddaughter of the hostage Oded Dancyg, who died in Hamas captivity:
“The rescues and the military pressure that they always consider a priority are endangering the lives of hostages. We demand that the surviving hostages can come back alive. This is the most important goal of the war.”
16. Zoom out of sunset and demonstrators
17. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Ella Ben-Ami, daughter of released hostage Raz Ben-Ami and Ohad Ben-Ami, still in Hamas captivity (soundbite starts on close up of a picture of Ohad Ben-Am and tilts up):
"I am waiting for the Prime Minister to look and understand that the right and moral thing to do is to return of all hostages and give us and them a way to breathe. For the time being, they are in the tunnels, they cannot breathe or see daylight.”
18. Various of smoke rising from Gaza seen from the Kibbutz Be’eri where the gathering took place
Relatives of hostages and demonstrators joined a convoy of over 300 vehicles on Wednesday driving from Tel Aviv to Kibbutz Be’eri, along the border between Israel and Gaza, to demand a deal to release their loved ones.

Carrying pictures of the hostages and Israeli flags, they called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a deal and bring back the dozens still in captivity in Gaza.

“The rescues and the military pressure that they always consider a priority are endangering the lives of hostages. We demand that the surviving hostages can come back alive," said Eliya Dancyg, granddaughter of Oded Dancyg, who died in captivity.

AP Video shot by Moshe Adri


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