High-level China-US meeting aims to stabilize relations

(29 Aug 2024)

Beijing, China – 29 August 2024
1. Various of U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan walking towards and shaking hands with Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission
UPSOUND (English) Sullivan, “Hello.”
(Mandarin) Zhang, “Good morning.”
(English) Sullivan, “Thank you.”
(Mandarin) Zhang, “Welcome to the Ba Yi Building.”
2. Wide of Sullivan and US Ambassador Nicolas Burns taking seats
3. Mid of Zhang being seated
4. Wide of meeting
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission:
"You assist President Biden with all important matters. You play a key role in formulating US national security policy and China policy. Your request to meet with me shows the value you attach to military security and the relationship between our militaries. I look forward to taking this opportunity to have a frank discussion with you and exchange opinions on matters of our concern.” 
6. Various of meeting
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Adviser:
“It is rare that we have the opportunity to have this kind of exchange and, given the state of the world and the need for us to responsibly manage the US-China relationship, I think this is a very important meeting.”
8. Mid of Zhang
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Adviser:
“I’ve had the opportunity to have two days of candid, constructive and substantive dialogue with Director Wang Yi and I’m very much looking forward to a productive discussion with you today on issues of mutual interest and looking forward to hearing your perspective.”
10. Wide of Sullivan and Burns
11. Wide of meeting
Beijing and Washington will plan for a phone call in the coming weeks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, the White House said Wednesday after National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing.

Sullivan’s first trip to China as national security adviser was aimed at keeping high-level communications open and stabilizing bilateral relations to avoid conflict.

Sullivan met with a top Chinese defense official Zhang Youxia Thursday morning in Beijing.

"Your request to meet with me shows the value you attach to military security and the relationship between our militaries," Zhang, the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission said in opening remarks.

Zhang has spoken in the past of Beijing’s determination to take control of Taiwan. At an international naval gathering earlier this year in northeast China, Zhang said China would strike back with force if its interests came under threat.

The White House said the two sides also planned to hold a military theater commander telephone call in the near future.

AP Video shot by Wayne Zhang


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News post in September 3, 2024, 6:04 am.

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