Lavrov says Telegram’s security was proven by French authorities who arrested CEO Pavel Durov

(27 Aug 2024)

Moscow, Russia – 27 August 2024
1. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Yemeni Foreign Minister Shaya Mohsin Zindani arriving at talks
2. Various of talks
3. Lavrov and Zindani arriving at press conference
4. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:
"We are convinced that such actions (by Ansar Allah) cause serious threats for the safety of maritime traffic, stand for ensuring such safety, but at the same time we can’t agree with the actions by the U.S. and the U.K. that have unfolded a military operation against Yemen, having radically misrepresented an adopted U.N. Security Council resolution and caring not about the safety of maritime traffic at all."
5. Delegation members listening
6. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:
"(Western countries) adopted some laws, some special instructions, including an instruction, the violation of which is incriminated Pavel Durov for, although a Belgian company that regulates the application of this EU law disowns that it complained about someone. There is a lot of ridiculousness. The reaction of France to freedom of speech is known to us for a while. The (Russia-France) relations, as I already said, are worse than ever, and it’s not our fault."
7. Reporter asking question
8. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:
"If someone used to have doubts (in the security of Telegram), it is proven now that Telegram is a reliable popular network by the actions of French (authorities), when Durov has been taken by someone’s advice and is threatened by a severe punishment in an attempt to get access to encryption codes."
8. Media filming
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday said the arrest of Telegram’s CEO by French authorities was "an attempt to get access to encryption codes" and that it has been "proven now" as a secure messaging service.

In his comments to reporters Tuesday Lavrov also described Russia-France relations as "worse than ever."

The Russian Foreign Minister’s comments followed his meeting with his Yemeni counterpart, Shaya Mohsin Zindani, on Tuesday in Moscow.

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was arrested in Paris over the weekend over allegations that his platform is being used for illicit activity such as drug trafficking and the distribution of child sexual abuse images.

Durov, who was born in Russia, spent much of his childhood in Italy and is a citizen of France, Russia, the Caribbean island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis and the United Arab Emirates. He was taken into custody at Paris-Le Bourget Airport in France on Saturday after landing from Azerbaijan.

A statement from the Paris prosecutor’s office said Durov’s police custody order was extended on Monday evening for up to 48 hours. After that, authorities must release or charge him, the prosecutor’s office said in an earlier statement.

Russian government officials have expressed outrage at Durov’s detention, with some calling it politically motivated and proof of the West’s double standard on freedom of speech.

French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday that Durov’s arrest wasn’t a political move but part of an independent investigation.


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