China condemns attacks that killed over 40 people in southwestern Pakistan

(27 Aug 2024)

Beijing – 27 August 2024
1. Wide of news conference
2. Wide of reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Lin Jian, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“We have noted the report. We strongly condemned the relevant terrorist attacks and expressed deep condolences to the victims. China firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and will continue to firmly support Pakistan in stepping up anti-terrorism operations, maintaining social unity and stability and protecting people’s safety. China is ready to further strengthen counter-terrorism and security cooperation with Pakistan to jointly safeguard regional peace and security.”
4. Reporters
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Lin Jian, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson:
“China opposes all actions that harm civilians, condemns violence against journalists and strongly calls on all parties concerned to cease fire, stop violence and protect civilians.”
6. Wide of news conference
China on Tuesday condemned the attacks in southwestern Pakistan that killed over 40 people.

The outlawed Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) group claimed responsibility for the multiple attacks that began late Sunday and ended on Monday. It warned of more attacks in the region.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said at a daily news briefing in Beijing that “China firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and will continue to firmly support Pakistan in stepping up anti-terrorism operations."

Pakistan’s prime minister said the latest attacks in Baluchistan seek to harm Chinese-funded development projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

In recent years, the BLA and other militants have also attacked Chinese nationals working on CPEC projects.

Asked about a recent Israeli attack in Gaza injuring journalists, Lin expressed opposition to actions against civilians including journalists and called for a ceasefire of warring parties.

A journalist was hit in the eye by shrapnel after Israeli forces targeted a vehicle near a journalists’ tent located by Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, southern Gaza.

At least 18 people, including eight children, have been killed in the Israeli airstrikes across the Gaza Strip since Monday, according to Palestinian officials.


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