Ancient tombs with vibrant wall paintings to open to public in southern Israel

(27 Aug 2024)



LENGTH: 4:03

Ashkelon, Israel – 27 August 2024
1. Entrance of the tomb
2. Interior shot of tomb
3. Various of paintings
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Anat Rasiuk, District Archaeologist of Ashkelon, representing the Israel Antiquities Authority:
"The tomb that we are in right now was excavated during the 30s of the last century. It was closed and full of sand when it was found. When excavated, they revealed these magnificent paintings. Today, the city of Ashkelon has decided to open it up for the public. We have a really nice park, and the place has undergone serious renovation and conservation efforts so that the public can come and see these paintings."

5. Various of paintings
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Anat Rasiuk, District Archaeologist of Ashkelon, representing the Israel Antiquities Authority:
"This tomb has wonderful paintings that were preserved remarkably well, which is surprising considering the time that has passed and the location next to the sea. The humidity, the sand, the winds; everything affects the plaster and the paintings. So now that it has undergone conservation, the paintings are brought back to life."

7. Various of paintings
8. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Elena Kogan Zehavi, senior archeologist at Israel Antiquities Authority:
"Really, what you are looking at is the only tomb in the world that includes these amazing paintings, it has no limiting and its quality is unique and special."

9. Various of paintings in tomb
10. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Elena Kogan Zehavi, senior archeologist at Israel Antiquities Authority:
"This tomb belongs to the aristocratic population of the Romans who lived in the Roman city of Ashkelon. The aristocrats cared for their family by investing in this family tomb, which has stood for many years. They ensured that an artist was invited to decorate the tomb, adding to its quality and significance for future generations."

11. Various of painting
12. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Elena Kogan Zehavi, senior archeologist at Israel Antiquities Authority:
"And the family that chose this artist decided that what was important to them was actually to show their family at the height of its greatness and beauty, emphasizing the idea that stands behind all these scenes here is resurrection. To that family, death was not the end; death was only the beginning towards something new and wonderful. They arrive at a heaven that we are in now (presented by the paintings in the tomb). The young men are the new characters of those dying who are born again. They are actually saying ‘we have defied death.’"

13. Exterior entrance to the tombs near residential buildings
Two nearly 2,000-year-old tombs with magnificent wall paintings will be to the public for the first time in southern Israel after a painstaking conservation process, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Tuesday.

British archaeologists first discovered the sand-filled tombs in the 1930s, awed by the colorful paintings on the wall depicting vibrant grape vines twining their way around birds, animals, and mythological characters.

But for nearly a century, the site was dormant and closed to the public to protect the paintings.

As new apartment buildings sprouted around the area, the city decided to turn the site into an educational park and renovate the tombs to allow public visits.

During the conservation process, experts removed some of the plaster paintings from the wall for off-site restoration.

AP video shot by Shlomo Mor

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