Protesters against judiciary overhaul urge Mexican president to ‘respect democracy’

(25 Aug 2024)

Mexico City, Mexico – 25 August 2024
1. Various of demonstration for the reform of the judiciary, some holding banners Mexican flags
2. People with banners, one woman holding banner which reads (Spanish) "No to authoritarianism"
3. Mid of demonstration with banners and flags
4. Close of feet of protesters walking
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Guadalupe Vázquez, court worker:
"I am devastated because I am 22 years old in this institution and I feel very proud that I have worked to ensure that people once again enjoy those prerogatives that the authorities have taken away from them. If you think we are happy with the unemployment, we are not."
6. Demonstration in front of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation
7. Various of protesters shouting slogans and waving flags in front of Supreme Court
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Rogelio Palacios, lawyer:
"Obviously the judiciary needs a reform for many years, but this is not what the judiciary needs, the answer is not to fire everyone and leave a lot of people out of work."
9. Two protesters beating drums in front of Supreme Court
10. Protesters waving flags in front of Supreme Court
11. Close of Sign which reads (Spanish) "Mexico wakes up"
12. Exterior of the Supreme Court
13. Protesters in front of Supreme Court
Thousands of people demonstrated in Mexico’s capital Sunday in the latest opposition to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposed judicial overhaul.

Throngs of people, many of them striking federal court workers and judges, ended their march outside the Supreme Court building in the heart of the capital.

Many protesters waved flags reading “Judicial independence” and “Respect democracy.”

Following big electoral victories in June by the president’s Morena party and its allies, the government has pushed for sweeping changes to Mexico’s judicial system, long at odds with López Obrador, a populist who has openly attacked judges and ignored court orders.

His proposal includes having judges elected to office, something analysts, judges and international observers fear would stack courts with politically biased judges with little experience.

Federal court employees and judges have been on strike, and the value of the peso has slumped.

International financial firms have also voiced concerns.

At midweek, U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar warned that electing judges is a “risk” for Mexico’s democracy and “threatens the historic commercial relationship” between the two countries.

López Obrador, who leaves office Sept. 30, and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, a Morena member, rejected Salazar’s comments.

López Obrador called the comments “disrespectful of our national sovereignty,” and Sheinbaum said Saturday that while there will always be dialogue between the U.S. and Mexico, “there are things that only correspond to Mexicans.”

AP video by Amaranta Marentes


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