Philadelphia airport thanks its brigade of therapy canines with a dog day in August

(26 Aug 2024)

Philadelphia – 26 August 2024
1. Various of passengers petting therapy dogs at airport
2. Volunteers and their dogs of Wagging Tails Brigade posing for a group photo
3. Cut away of a cake
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Leah Douglas, director of guest experience at Philadelphia International Airport:
“Well, it’s a great day to day at the Philadelphia International Airport because we’re celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Wagging Tails Brigade. It’s a program of certified therapy dog animals and their owners. They come to the airport. They volunteer their time to come to the airport solely to ensure that our passengers and guests are having a great time.”
5. Passengers petting a therapy dog
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jamie and Victoria Hill, travelers at Philadelphia International Airport:
Jamie Hill: “We are just happy. It’s reminded us of our dog back at home. We miss him. We have to go on our honeymoon so it’s great to see all this out here today.”
Victoria Hill: “And our flight is late so that can add a little stress. So, this really makes our flight really good.”
7. Wide of a passenger petting dogs
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Alan Gurvitz, volunteer with Wagging Tails Brigade:
"Well, our job with Wagging Tails is to greet travelers and help them spend a little more pleasant time here at the airport. I like to refer to the airport as the land of cancellations and delays. So people tend to be very stressed out here. And we want to make their time here in the airport, here in the terminal, a little bit more pleasant."
9. A German Shepherd, Tarik, sitting
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Nancy Mittleman, volunteer with Wagging Tails Brigade:
"Delays became more evident because there was a ground stoppage here in Philadelphia, and so multiple flights were being delayed all over the United States, actually. And so that made for a very full airport. But Tarik has his vest on and I have my, my shirt on. And so people recognized that this was an opportunity to have a little bit of stress relief. And so soon enough, I had an entire crowd around me. There must have been ten kids sitting around him, and they were talking to each other. And the beauty of it was before that, there were a lot of stressed out parents and a lot of unhappy children. And after sitting down next to other children, they started talking to each other."
11. Signage at the event reads, "Happy 5th Birthday"
12. Cut away of cup cakes
13. Various of people petting a dog
A pack of four-legged therapists that helps calm travelers got a break of their own on Monday when they were feted at the airport where they ply the corridors.

The event at Philadelphia International Airport was to mark five years since the 23 members of “Wagging Tails Brigade” began working there as therapy dogs.

Several of them were presented with birthday presents and a customized cake while passersby were invited to eat cupcakes and sign an oversized birthday card.

Members of the brigade and their human handlers are both at the airport for at least two hours a week, impressing people with their tricks and doing what they can to raise the spirits of road-weary passengers.

Jamie and Victoria Hill, on their way to their honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, turned to pet Bella while trying to stay in a positive frame of mind amid a flight delay.

“It’s reminded us of our dog back at home. We miss him," Jamie Hill said. "We have to go on our honeymoon so it’s great to see all this out here today.”

AP Video by Tassanee Vejpongsa

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News post in August 31, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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