Egypt’s Coptic Christians mark festival celebrating Virgin Mary

(22 Aug 2024)



LENGTH: 4:03

Qalyubia, Egypt – 21 August 2024
1. Various of worshipers lighting candles in front of painting of Virgin Mary riding horse and portrait of Mary with baby Jesus
2. Worshipers gathered next to statue of Mary
3. Statue of Mary
4. Various of choir singing inside church
5. Various of worshipers singing along
6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abdel Messih Basit, priest of Saint Mary’s Church:
"The church is currently filled with people. And the people are here praising God. This is the great night, and it will end tonight. So, tomorrow morning will be the Feast of the Virgin."

7. Various of women preparing bags of holy water for distribution
8. Various of women ululating, a traditional practice done during joyous occasions in Egypt
9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sabah William, Coptic Christian:
"We are getting water from the Virgin’s well. People get blessings from it (the water). They are very happy with the miracles of the Virgin. Honestly, it’s very beautiful. The last miracle was that of a woman who couldn’t walk, but then she managed to walk. Thank God, the blessing of the Mother of Light is enormous."

10. Various of people near holy water well
11. Entrance of cave, zoom-in on painting of Mary
12. Various of worshipers touching and kissing portrait of Mary and baby Jesus inside the cave
13. People coming out of cave
14. People gathered outside
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Nagwa Samih, Coptic Christian:
"I come here every year to visit Mostorod (district). Today, is the eve of the Virgin’s feast and tomorrow of course is the Virgin’s feast. We come here every year to receive blessings and get (holy) water from the well. It’s a very beautiful thing. It’s always packed and wonderful."

16. Various of people at church courtyard and on street
17. Various of men getting tattoos
18. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) David Adel, Coptic Christian:
"The 15-day festival of the Virgin is one of the most beautiful celebrations. People come from everywhere to visit. And those who have requests come asking (Mary for help) and she (Mary) performs miracles for everyone. Anyone who asks for her intercession, receives a miracle."

19. Various of worshiper holding large poster of Mary
20. Various of sellers and shoppers at bazaar
21. Various of swing ride
22. People in the street
Egypt’s Coptic Christians made their way to Saint Mary’s Church in Qalyubia province to mark one of their most important religious holidays.

The 15-day celebration, known as Moulid Al-Adra or "Feast of the Virgin," is celebrated by worshipers who believe that Mary was taken up to heaven at the end of her life.

The festivities feature a procession of the icon of Mary, prayers and choirs singing.

Saint Mary’s Church is located in Mostorod district of Qalyubia province, which is just outside Cairo.

"We come here every year to receive blessings and get (holy) water from the well. It’s a very beautiful thing," said Nagwa Samih, one of the worshipers.

"It’s always packed and wonderful," she added.

Some men got tattoos of Virgin Mary on their arms while other worshipers strolled around a nearby bazaar, where shops were selling sweets.

"The 15-day festival of the Virgin is one of the most beautiful celebrations. People come from everywhere to visit," said David Adel, a Coptic Christian.

Christians make up almost 10% of Egypt’s population of more than 102 million.

The Copts in Egypt, a predominantly Muslim country, are one of the oldest Christian communities in the world.

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News post in August 27, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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