China opens investigation into EU dairy exports as trade tensions flare

(22 Aug 2024)

Beijing, China – 22 August 2024
1. Wide of spokesperson arriving at podium
2. Various of reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) He Yadong, Spokesperson, China’s Ministry of Commerce:
“After receiving the application, the Ministry of Commerce consulted with the EU side on subsidy matters in accordance with legal procedures and reviewed the materials and relevant evidence provided by the applicants. The Ministry of Commerce believes that the application of domestic industries meets the conditions for filing an anti-subsidy case and has decided to open the investigation.”
4. Close of reporters
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) He Yadong, Spokesperson, China’s Ministry of Commerce:
“The investigation on the case has just opened. We will conduct the investigation in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations, follow WTO rules, and conduct the investigation openly and transparently, fully safeguarding the rights of all stakeholders.”
6. Wide of reporters
7. Mid of reporter asking question
European milk and cheese producers have become the latest target in a simmering trade war with China which has launched an investigation into subsidies given by the European Union and EU member countries for dairy products that could lead to tariffs on their export to China.

The announcement came one day after the EU released a draft decision to finalize tariffs on electric vehicles made in China, in a follow-up to provisional tariffs announced last month.

China’s Ministry of Commerce said the case was opened based on the application of Chinese relevant industries.

“After receiving the application, the Ministry of Commerce consulted with the EU side on subsidy matters in accordance with legal procedures, and reviewed the materials and relevant evidence provided by the applicants,” said He Yafei, the ministry’s spokesperson.

He told a press conference on Thursday that the ministry believes the application meets the conditions for filing an anti-subsidy case.

The Commerce Ministry previously opened investigations into European brandy and pork exports at various stages of the EU investigation into Chinese subsidies for electric vehicles.

The tit-for-tat investigations have raised fears that a full-blown trade war could gradually emerge.

“We will conduct the investigation in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations, follow WTO rules, and conduct the investigation openly and transparently, fully safeguarding the rights of all stakeholders,” said He.

AP video shot by Borg Wong


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News post in August 27, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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