Protesters and police stand off outside the Democratic National Convention

(19 Aug 2024)

Chicago – 19 August 2024
1. Police put piece of fence that had been breached back up as protesters taunt them and then cheer
2. Police with batons stand in a line
3. UPSOUND (English) Protesters chant "The whole world is watching"
4. Police officers run down street
5. Shots of protesters drag pieces of breached fence away
6. Protester sitting on top of fence
7. Police move toward protesters
Protesters broke through a fence set up by police near the site of the Democratic National Convention on its opening day Monday as thousands took to the streets to voice their opposition to the war in Gaza.

As the larger group marched, a few dozen who broke away tore down pieces of the security fence. Some protesters, dressed in black with their faces covered, dragged pieces of the fence back to a park near the United Center, where the convention is being held.

Members of the crowd chanted “End the occupation now” and then “The whole world is watching!” just as anti-Vietnam War protesters did during the infamous 1968 convention in Chicago when police clashed with protesters on live television. Officers put on gas masks as some protesters tried to bring down a second fence set up in front of police.

The march happened just as President Joe Biden, who has been the target of intense criticism from pro-Palestinian groups, including the marchers, was doing a walk-through of the largely empty United Center. Biden was scheduled to address the party in the evening.


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News post in August 25, 2024, 12:04 am.

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