In Uganda’s chaotic capital, thousands of boda-boda motorcycle taxis are a source of life and death

(20 Aug 2024)

Kampala, Uganda – 18 July 2024
1. Various of motorbike taxis (known as boda-bodas) operating in the streets of Kampala

VOICE-OVER: "Chaos and poverty, on two wheels, about 350,000 motorbike taxies on the streets of Kampala, the commercial capital of Uganda, driven by men who come from all parts of Uganda and say there are no jobs apart from the motorbike business."

Kampala, Uganda – 22 July 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Zubairi Idi Nyakuni, Boda-Boda Operator : ++PARTLY OVERLAID WITH SHOT 3++
"We just do this one because we have nothing to do, we have nothing to do. Even all of us here, other people even, they have their degrees, they have their master’s [degrees], but they are just here.”

Kampala, Uganda – 18 July 2024
3. Various of buildings towering over streets full of boda-bodas
4. Various of boda-bodas ferrying goods and people

VOICE-OVER: "About 76% of Uganda’s 43 million people are under the age of 35, according to government figures. Popularly known as ‘boda-boda’, motorcycles as a means of transport emerged on the Uganda-Kenya border in the 1970s, with the term ‘boda’ traced to drivers who used to shout ‘border border’ at their customers. At the time, they were also a quick way to transport smugglers and their merchandise. Now they are everywhere in Uganda, taking children to school, people to offices, the sick to clinics and even the dead to their graves. A culture of non-compliance with traffic and road safety rules has however become a norm among boda-boda men."

Kampala, Uganda – 22 July 2024
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Winstone Katushabe, Transport Safety Commissioner: ++PARTLY OVERLAID WITH SHOT 6 and 7++
"We need to help them train, understand how they are using the road, be patient with other road users, make sure they are safe because we still want them, I have told you most of these guys range between 19 and 45. this is the most productive age of any country."

Kampala, Uganda – 18 July 2024
6. Various of boda-boda operators parked and picking customers on a busy road
7. Wide of busy street
8. A traffic police officer observing traffic
9. Traffic police officer seated on boda-boda
10. Drone shot of Kampala city
11. Boda-bodas moving on road
12. Various of boda-boda operators seated on their bikes parked on the side of a narrow street
13. Various of boda-bodas on the roads
14. Traffic officers commandeering traffic
15. Street packed with boda-bodas

VOICE-OVER: "Annual police reports cite motorcycle taxis in abetting violent crime, and the number of fatal accidents related to motorcycles across Uganda grew from 621 in 2014 to 1,404 in 2021, according to the Ministry of Works and Transport. For these men, it is a fair race to win the right to make a living. For other road users and pedestrians, speeding motorcycles embody the chaos of this African metropolis. They have become a convenience and menace in equal measure."

The young men perched on motorcycles looked dazed in the morning heat.

But at the sight of a potential passenger, they furiously kick-started their machines and tried to outrace each other for the business.

For tens of thousands of men in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, this is how to make a living.

For others, the speeding motorcycles embody the city’s chaos as an essential but menacing means of transport.

The motorcycle taxis, known locally as boda-bodas, are ubiquitous in East African capitals like Nairobi and Kigali.

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News post in August 25, 2024, 6:04 am.

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