Venezuelan National Assembly approves law to regulate independent organizations

(15 Aug 2024)

Caracas, Venezuela – 15 August 2024
1. Various of National Assembly president Jorge Rodriguez (screen right) and lawmaker Diosdado Cabello (screen left) arriving in National Assembly
2. Wide of Assembly
3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jorge Rodriguez, National Assembly president:
“The honorable lawmakers who are in favor of approving in second discussion the bill on the control, regularization, performance and financing of nongovernmental organizations and nonprofit social organizations."
4. Lawmakers raising hands approving the law
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jorge Rodriguez, National Assembly president:
“The law on control, regularization, performance and financing of non-governmental organizations and non-profit social organizations is hereby declared sanctioned.”
6. Rodriguez handing out bill to Diosdado Cabello
7. Various of Cabello walking with bill
8. Various of exteriors of National Assembly building
Venezuela’s government-controlled National Assembly approved law to regulate non-governmental organizations (NGOs), considered by human rights activists as a threat to freedom of expression and public participation.

After more than a year of deferral amidst criticism from political opponents of the government and local and foreign human rights organizations, the legislators approved the law with a pro-government majority.

The 39-article legal instrument will enter into force after President Nicolás Maduro promulgates it and publishes it in the Official Gazette.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, on Tuesday urged the "authorities not to adopt these or other laws that undermine the civic and democratic space in the country.”

Meanwhile, Maduro’s allies and the ruling PSUV party argue that their aim is to act against instances that, they claim, are at the service of other countries such as the United States.

Non-governmental organizations will have to register in a national system that the government will make available for such purpose with new requirements to operate in this South American country.


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News post in August 21, 2024, 12:04 am.

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