Mini gardens and play areas line embankment in Yekaterinburg for landscape festival

(16 Aug 2024)



LENGTH: 6:08

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 16 August 2024

1. Various of landscape composition ‘Calabasa’ with giant toy springs
2. Close of plants
3. Wide of composition with giant springs
4. Various of landscape composition Origins

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 14 August 2024

5. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Irina Tarasova, festival participant from Belgorod, co-creator of composition Origins:
"My partners, friends said – we can make it for you out of concrete, it will be very similar to the wood texture, it will be built up layer by layer. And so it was such an intense creative process. We discussed what form it could be, how to raise it. And in the end, this design was born, we can see that each layer is a kind of a generation that is built up."

6. Various of concrete columns with grass on top in Origins composition
7. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Irina Tarasova, festival participant from Belgorod, co-creator of composition Origins: ++SHOT TILTS UP TO COMPOSITION AND BACK DOWN TO INTERVIEWEE++
"We wanted to create such a unique place, so that in the centre of the city you would feel completely alone with nature. When you come here, into this kind of canyon, you see the sky, you see the plants and you hear the rustling of the grass above."

8. Grass on top of concrete columns

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 15 August 2024

9. Various of festival
10. SOUNDBITE ( Russian) Yulia Sorokina, festival organiser:
"Why should we go out of the city if we can call nature back to the city? If we can make the city green, beautiful, so that our children can go to good schools, and at the same time they don’t have to be taken out of the city every time. So that we can go to the theatre, and all the institutions and get the whole cultural programme that the city provides and country life doesn’t, but at the same time, while living in the city and being in the centre, we could feel as if we were somewhere out in nature, surrounded by thousands and thousands of plants, like we are here now."

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 14 August 2024

11. Mid of Tarasova working on site
12. Close of plants being planted
13. Wide of man pushing wheelbarrow with soil
14. Various of festival participant digging

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 15 August 2024

15. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Tatyana Svyazhena, festival participant from Moscow, engineer:
"We shovelled about 550-600 cubic metres (of soil). We removed it from here, put it there, rammed it, added it here, removed it there, and all this is moving soil masses. And here you have not soil, but rock. So we moved it. When I came, and I work in Moscow on clay, we easily hammer in reinforcement with a sledgehammer, but here it doesn’t hammer in, sparks fly, but the reinforcement wouldn’t hammer in. What is this? What to do with rock? For me, this was the first experience of working on rock."

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 14 August 2024

16. Wide of embankment slope, people working
17. Various of workers making metal bench

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 15 August 2024

18. Tilt down from bridge to construction site where people are making Ark composition
19. Various of workers planting trees on pontoons
20. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Aleksei Sannikov, festival participant from Yekaterinburg, creator of Ark composition:

Yekaterinburg, Russia – 16 August 2024

21. Various of floating composition Ark
22. Mid of landscape composition Legend of Apsheron
25. Close of rose

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News post in August 21, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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