88-year-old victim in Boar’s Head deli meat outbreak underscores risks for those most vulnerable

(15 Aug 2024)

High Ridge, Missouri – 8 August 2024
1. Pat Fleming moving IV stand for Sue Fleming
2. Pat and Sue Fleming sitting next to each other
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Sue Fleming, sickened by listeria:
“I just want to say it was hell. I’ve never been so sick in all my life and felt so separated from everybody. It was like I was here and the world was out there. It was strange.”
4. Wide view of Sue in her living room
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Sue Fleming, sickened by listeria:
“It’s very, very, very serious. And get help right away immediately. Thanks to Pat, we got to the hospital and had excellent care from there.”
6. Pat and Sue Fleming sitting and smiling next to each other
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Sue Fleming, sickened by listeria:
“They took blood, and they took blood and they took blood, and then they took more blood. And from that they decided it was listeria infection and went into my blood. And I was like a wet noodle. Not even that strong.”
8. Pat and Sue Fleming sitting next to each other
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Patrick Fleming, Sue’s husband:
“About the second day, the hospital and the hospital, they said it’s listeria. And once they figure it out, remember what that was. Realize how deadly that can be. And they start talking about they have to do some scans to make sure it hasn’t gone to her brain and given her meningitis, which scared the death out of me. Or to an inflammation of her heart, which also could be, you know, very serious. So the whole thing was really quite scary.”
10. Wide view of Patrick and Sue in living room

Washington, D.C. – 6 August 2024
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Kowalcyk, Institute for Food Safety and Nutrition Security:
“People that are over the age of 65 as they tend to eat less diverse diets, right? So, they like to eat the same thing, or they might be living alone, no longer having a family with them. And so, they might take a cantaloupe and cut it up and then eat it over, put it in the refrigerator and eat it over the course of ten days. That gives listeria a lot of time to grow.”

High Ridge, Missouri – 8 August 2024
12. Sue Fleming sitting in chair with IV in foreground

Washington, D.C. – 6 August 2024
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Kowalcyk, Institute for Food Safety and Nutrition Security:
“For people that have a compromised immune system, and people over the age of 65. As we age, our immune systems, are not as robust as they once were. When you’re pregnant, your immune system is also taxed. And what can happen is the listeria. The pathogen can cross from your gut into your blood and causes invasive illness.”

High Ridge, Missouri – 8 August 2024
14. Close up of meds on IV stand

Washington, D.C. – 6 August 2024
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Kowalcyk, Institute for Food Safety and Nutrition Security:
“I always say, when in doubt, throw it out. So, if you have deli meat sitting in your in your refrigerator or quite frankly, in your freezer, and you don’t know where it came from, you, you know, I would recommend being cautious, right? Not necessarily risking serious illness, and and throwing it out.”

High Ridge, Missouri – 8 August 2024
16. Close up of Patrick and Sue holding hands
17. Close up of Sue
A lifelong lover of liverwurst, Sue Fleming relished the smoked sausage her husband brought home every few weeks from the grocery store deli.

“We wanted no one else to be harmed,” Fleming said in an interview.

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News post in August 20, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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