Trump supporters in Ashville concerned over economy and immigration

(14 Aug 2024)

Asheville, North Carolina – 14 August 2024
1. Trump supporters lining up outside event
2. SOUNDBITE (English) David Freeman, North Carolina resident:
“Donald Trump made this better than I had ever experienced, and I’m 83-years of age.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) David Freeman, North Carolina resident:
“Democrats are certainly not showing us promise there. They just they do know nothing except taxes and spend. Taxes and spend. That’s the name of the Democrat Party. And  we’re being fed lies every day by the Democrats. So that’s the bottom line as far as I’m concerned.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Suzanne Kastner, Florida resident:
“Put his record out here. He has a record. Nobody else has a record. He was already president and we were doing great. Everybody. The whole world was doing great. We didn’t have wars, and now we have all these wars broke out because weakness. He was strong and wonderful. And he fought for the American people. Everybody. All people. He didn’t pick and choose. And he is not a politician. He’s a real man. And that’s what we need in the White House. A man, not, not a woman. Sorry.”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Charles Boudreaux, North Carolina resident:
“So if Donald Trump was to become president, which he will, all businesses will be able to hire more. They’ll have less regulations. They’ll be spending more in their in their particular areas. People that will have more money will spend more money in their particular areas. Gas prices will go down. Our country will survive.”
6. Trump supporters waving flags
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Sammi Davis, North Carolina resident:
“It’s a special time to share with my dad. We both are Trump supporters and Republicans. And this is just something we felt like we should do.”
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Sammi Davis, North Carolina resident:
“Immigration is definitely something that worries me. We, I personally feel like America is a huge melting pot. It’s important to accept people to come into this nation. But it’s also important to do it the right way, the legal way, and I think it has not been done with the current administration.”
Donald Trump will have an opportunity to recalibrate his presidential comeback bid with a rally and speech in North Carolina that his campaign is billing as a significant economic address.
The event on Wednesday afternoon in Asheville carries both national and local implications for the former president.
Aides and allies say Trump must sharpen his arguments against Vice President Kamala Harris and draw a clear policy contrast, especially on the economy.
Outside the event, supporters of the former president lined up, eager to see Trump speak.
Sammi Davis was there with her father, both of whom support Trump.
“Immigration is definitely something that worries me. We, I personally feel like America is a huge melting pot. It’s important to accept people to come into this nation. But it’s also important to do it the right way, the legal way, and I think it has not been done with the current administration,” Davis said.
Suzanne Kastner, who was visiting from Florida, says that Donald Trump’s record speaks for itself.
And North Carolina resident Charles Boudreaux says he’s voting for Trump for the future of the country and the future of his bank account.


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News post in August 19, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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