Funeral for Palestinian man shot dead by Israeli forces in West Bank city of Ramallah

(13 Aug 2024)

Al-Amari Refugee Camp, West Bank – 13 August 2024
1. Mourners marching and chanting UPSOUND (Arabic) "No God except Allah and the martyr is the beloved of Allah."
2. Pan left from body wrapped with Palestinian flag to mourners chanting UPSOUND (Arabic) "Revenge, revenge"
3. Various of mourners marching during funeral

Ramallah, West Bank – 13 August 2024
4. Mourners marching
5. Close of poster of the killed Palestinian, 19-year-old Moataz Sarsour from Al-Amari camp
6. Mourners marching
7. Pan right of mourners carrying body and marching
8. Mourners marching towards Al-Amari camp entrance

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of a young Palestinian man shot dead by Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Ramallah overnight Monday, according to Palestinian media and the Israeli army.

Commenting on the fatal shooting, the Israeli army said it opened fire at a group of Palestinians who were hurling rocks at Israeli forces deployed to demolish a house of a Palestinian man accused of killing two people earlier this year.

The Palestinian official news agency, Wafa, said the Palestinian man killed was 19 years old and from al-Amari refugee camp.

Violence has flared across the Israeli occupied territory since Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

Since then over 620 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank according to the Ramallah-seated Health Ministry.

AP video by Imad Issied
AP production by Jalal Bwaitel


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News post in August 18, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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