Reserve in South Africa marks world elephant day, urges people to help with conservation

(12 Aug 2024)

Bela Bela, South Africa – 12 August 2024
1. Wide of bull elephant walking toward camera
2. Close up of bull elephant
3. Various of two young elephants wrestling with their trunks
4. Various of female elephant grazing
5. Wide of group of elephants
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sean Hensman, Managing Director, Adventures with Elephants:
“So today is 12th August, it is World Elephant Day, and I think it’s just a day to celebrate elephants in general and think about the bigger picture when it comes to their conservation. Elephants are under huge pressure from a perspective of land. So, human populations are exploding. Africa is due to double its population to about 3 to 4 billion people by 2050, and land for elephants is definitely decreasing.”
7. Elephant swimming in pond to cool off
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Sean Hensman, Managing Director, Adventures with Elephants:
“There is always three side to a coin when comes to conserving wildlife, nothing is ever black and while, it’s grey, excuse the pun. So, get out there, support whichever organisation that you want to support to help conserve elephants and think about the bigger picture when it comes to holistic conservation. Go out and meet an elephant. Go visit your local zoo. Go to a national park. Whatever it is, just go and try and support the elephants.”
9. Group of elephants near pond
10. SOUNDBITE (English) David Mupupu, Elephant Handler at Adventures with Elephants.
“If you look at 1920, in Africa alone we had 4 million elephants and today, only 400,000 left. Which is a 90 percent decrease in the numbers. So we have to take care of our elephants.”
11. Wide of a woman interacting with and hugging elephant
12. Various of visitors interacting with elephant that is lying down
13. Wide of an elephant looking on as visitors prepare to leave elephant sanctuary
Communities across the globe marked World Elephant Day on Monday, a day created to raise awareness on how to help and protect the animals from threats.

At the Adventures with Elephants reserve in Bela Bela, South Africa, which marks the event every year, a herd of rescued elephants was seen grazing and cooling off by the water from the hot sun.

Managing Director, Sean Hensman, said elephants faced huge pressure on their habitat.

"Africa is due to double its population to about 3 to 4 billion people by 2050, and land for elephants is definitely decreasing,” he said, and encouraged people support the species.

Elephant handler, David Mupupu, said numbers of African elephants had fallen drastically since 1920.

"We have to take care of our elephants,” he told The Associated Press.

According to charity the World Elephant Day Society, both African and Asian elephants face growing threats from poachers and loss of habitat.

The organisation says it aims to work with other conservation groups to get great policies introduced to prevent poaching and preserve the environments where the animals live.

World Elephant Day started in 2012 and takes place annually on August 12.

AP video/production by Sebabatso Mosamo


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News post in August 17, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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