Construction costs soar for Indonesia’s new capital Nusantara | DW News

Indonesia is marking its 79th Independence Day with ceremonies and events in the future capital city of Nusantara.
The new city has been a landmark construction project for outgoing president Joko Widodo. But it has faced construction delays and spiraling costs. Key government buildings are not finished and organizers had to cut the number of guests at the celebrations because there were not enough hotel rooms ready to house them.
DW’s Ferdinand Himawan visited Nusantara on the island of Borneo, to find out why the city is taking so long to build and how the government plans to finance the rest of the project.

Prita Kusuma-putri is deputy head of DW Indonesia and is just outside Nusan-tara.

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News post in August 17, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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