Gaza cease-fire talks: Israel set to attend while Hamas will be absent | DW News

Negotiations over a plan to end the war in Gaza are scheduled to start in Qatar today. The region is on edge as Israel awaits retaliation from Iran, which blames it for the killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

Negotiators want to use a plan put together by the Biden administration at the end of May and endorsed by the UN Security Council. It calls for a six-week cease-fire in Gaza. Hamas would release its remaining Israeli hostages, in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. Israel would allow in unlimited aid deliveries, and its forces would withdraw from Gaza.

But Hamas says it is losing faith in the US as a mediator and will not attend the talks. A top official in Qatar for the Palestinian militant group said Hamas was still willing to be briefed afterward on the discussed points.

00:00 Shaky Gaza truce talks to begin today in Qatar
00:16 Gaza Peace Plan
00:54 Osama Hamdan, Hamas Political Official
01:13 DW Correspondent Felix Tamsut in Jerusalem
05:18 Yossi Mekelberg, Chatham House Middle East program


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News post in August 15, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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