Mother and son ‘disappointed’ Swift concerts got cancelled but ‘Taylor did the right thing’

(8 Aug 2024)

Vienna, Austria – 8 August 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Andrew Strauss, Taylor Swift fan:
"We were, I could tell you where I was, we were having a glass of wine at the hotel, at the airport bar in Newark. You know, we bought these tickets a year ago, and I actually am lucky enough, I’ve been to the tour already but my mom hasn’t, my sister-in-law, who’s meeting us, hasn’t, so they were all excited and then suddenly my phone started, like, blowing up about how, you know, it was the concert, whatever, and I was like, I had seen the news reports about the plot, so I was like, ‘oh, they’re just talking to me about that.’ And then I was like, ‘wait, why are all these people texting me like broken heart emojis and like, so sorry and stuff?’ And then I went on Twitter and I looked at my mom and I was like, ‘I think the concert is cancelled.’ And like, it was very weird because we were like on the only direct flight from Newark to Vienna, and you could see it like ripple through people finding out. So it was a little bizarre."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Alison Strauss, tourist:
"Yeah, we were here, I was so excited, you know, he kept telling me how great the tour was and it’s, I felt it was something I just wanted to see because this is an epic tour and I’m actually heartbroken. I said, I actually said to Andrew, I actually want to write to her and tell her this was a great mother-son event. Can you get me tickets in the U.S. for one of the concerts?"
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Andrew Strauss, Taylor Swift fan and Alison Strauss, tourist:
Andrew: "I live in New York City, so I’m like, I don’t know if it’s being like, not as shell shocked about stuff like this, but I’m like, if it’s, if it was that serious that like, they broke up this plot and it was, I didn’t realize the first concert was supposed to be today, I thought it was Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So like, I totally understand that they had to, if they thought anything could possibly happen, they had to kind of pull the plug on it."
Alison: "Yeah, I’m in full agreement on that. You know, you have a stadium full of, again, innocent people, but a lot of children and younger folks and, look safety in today’s world, unfortunately, we have to go with safety first."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Alison Strauss, tourist:
"And I just see walking around, there’s people in their Taylor Swift shirts and I think there’s a lot of people that are upset but we’re persevering."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Alison Strauss, tourist:
"It’s not in her nature to put anybody in danger, and to play three sold out concerts is probably way too much to risk."
6. Andrew Strauss, Taylor Swift fan and Alison Strauss, tourist:
Andrew: "Like, listen, it’s a great concert, I’ve seen it three times but it’s not worth like risking, you know, people’s lives for. So, so I understand it even though why we’re all disappointed now, it’ll make a fun story of how we all went to Vienna for Eros and, you know, didn’t get it."
Alison: "So we had a great European vacation."
A mother and son who were about to set off from the U.S. to the Austrian capital of Vienna to watch Taylor Swift perform live at the start of their European vacation, said they were "disappointed" after the concerts were cancelled when authorities foiled an apparent plot to attack one of the events.

They plan to enjoy their time in Vienna before heading to Portugal to meet with Andrew’s dad.

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News post in August 13, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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