Political scientist in Minnesota reacts to Harris picking Walz as her running mate

(6 Aug 2024)


St Paul, Minnesota – 6 August 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Dan Myers, Univerity of Minnesota, Political Science Professor:
"Harris probably looked at a candidate like Walz and said, this is someone who’s been through the electoral ringer, who has shown that he can handle the pressure of an intense campaign and who’s had everything that both the right and the left in terms of his primary challenger in 2018 can throw at him, and has come through relatively unscathed. Not to say that there aren’t things that that they’ll throw at him, but, there were probably many fewer — There’s less of a chance of there being unknown things than there are with a less experienced candidate like Shapiro."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Dan Myers, Univerity of Minnesota, Political Science Professor:
"Walz and Harris can bond over having a one-vote majority in the Senate and in Walz case, it was the state Senate. And it is remarkable, I think, how much the Democrats here, or the Democratic Farmer Labor Party in Minnesota got passed with just one state Senate vote. And that state Senate vote from a relatively rural district that won by about 500 votes. So, pretty narrow margin. And they passed a lot of stuff that, I think is generally pretty popular, but is definitely, you know, a progressive, vision for how government should operate. So a few that stand out: We have now recreational marijuana legalization. "The paid family and sick leave that Walz and the DFLer’s (Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party) in the state legislature got through, you know, some gun laws. And so I think all that are sort of progressive accomplishments that Walz can point to as I, I’m someone who can get something done. That I can deliver on these policy promises. It is true, too, though, that before that Walz really had a much more moderate image. He was the he was seen as the moderate, you know, sort of the moderate sellout choice in the 2018 election by progressives who rallied really hard behind his more progressive opponent, Erin Murphy. And before that he represented a pretty red tinged congressional district for 12 years. So he has that that background of of having this more moderate image, more moderate policy positions. And I think he’ll probably try to draw on that to paint a picture of himself. And the Harris campaign will draw on that to paint a picture of Walz as sort of sensible, moderate, Midwestern.
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Dan Myers, Univerity of Minnesota, Political Science Professor:
"And so I think it’ll be interesting to see how much the Walz Harris campaign puts a focus on, you know, this is Tim Walz. He was, red district congressman for 12 years, a governor, you know, who brought people together, versus, you know, probably more of the emphasis of the Trump campaign on, you know, he got, you know, he pushed through all of this progressive legislation. He increased the size of, the state spending by a significant margin over the last two years."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Dan Myers, Univerity of Minnesota, Political Science Professor:

Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House. The 60-year-old Democrat and military veteran rose to the forefront with a series of plain-spoken television appearances in the days after President Joe Biden decided not to seek a second term.

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News post in August 11, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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