Imran Khan supporters mark one year since former Pakistani PM was jailed

(5 Aug 2024)

Swabi, Khyber-Paktunkhwa – 5 August 2024
1. Top left pan shot of supporters of Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan at rally
2. Supporter holding Khan portrait
3. Various of rally supporters holding party flags and chanting ‘Free Imran Khan’

4. Wide of stage with pictures of Khan and other party leaders
5. Various of party leadership on stage, UPSOUND party song
6. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Chairman of Khan’s party:
“On the completion of one year of Khan in jail, today is the day of solidarity with Khan, and to Khan bravery and courage, and to Khan the principle this generation will remember always, and to his passion till now, we all salute him.”
7. Various of rally
8. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Ali Ameen Gandapur, Chief minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province:
“We will hold a rally at D-Chowk (Islamabad) you (government ) cannot stop us , are you ready? Will you fight? Will you get your right? (crowd replies yes). Let us deliver the message to every corner of Pakistan that the lovers of Imran khan are alive.”
9. Various of rally
Thousands of supporters of Pakistan’s imprisoned former prime minister rallied Monday in the country’s volatile northwest to mark the first anniversary of his arrest and demand his immediate release, officials said.

The protest is part of Imram Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf or PTI opposition party’s campaign aimed at pressuring the current government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to free him without any further delay.

The rally was held in Swabi, a city in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province where Khan’s party rules.

More than 10,000 supporters of Khan were seen waving the party’s flags and chanting slogans.

Top party leaders in their speeches told the demonstrators that Khan would soon be among them, though they did not elaborate.

It was one of the biggest protests since 2022 when Khan was ousted in a no-confidence vote in parliament.

Ali Amin Gundapur, the chief minister in the province, asked demonstrators to get ready for a march on Islamabad in the coming weeks, as the PTI plans to hold a big protest in the capital later this month or early next month.

He said the PTI would defy any ban if it was not allowed to hold the rally in the nation’s capital.

Khan was arrested on August 5, 2023, after a court in Islamabad handed him a 3-year jail sentence in a graft case. Despite his multiple convictions, Khan remains a leading figure.

In recent months, all of his convictions have been either suspended or overthrown.

However, the former premier will remain behind bars as he awaits a slew of cases pending against him, which his party says are fake and politically motivated.

Sharif’s government has denied those accusations, saying Khan has been given the chance of a fair trial.

AP Video by Muhammad Yousaf


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