German government says it has urged nationals in Lebanon to leave country ‘immediately’

(5 Aug 2024)

Berlin – 5 August 2024
1. Various of panel at briefing
2. Journalists
3. SOUNDBITE (German) Sebastian Fischer, German Foreign Office spokesperson:
“We have had everyone who is registered on our ELEFAND (Electronic Registration of Germans Abroad) list call us, phoned them and called on them to leave the country immediately. At the same time, we can see that the number of people who have registered on our crisis preparedness list has continued to rise. I mentioned here last week that we have 1,300 people who have registered on the ELEFAND list on the Lebanon Crisis Preparedness List and have indicated that they are in the country. There are now over 2,100 people. We assume that a number have left the country, but at the same time we also assume that a number of people who have not yet registered have now at least registered so that they can be informed directly via our embassy in our crisis preparedness mechanisms.”
4. Wide of briefing
5. Journalists
6. SOUNDBITE (German) Sebastian Fischer, German Foreign Office spokesperson:
“Please, I’m not going to fiddle with numbers here, we assume that we know these 2,100 people who have registered with us. These are the people we can reach via our crisis mechanisms and means of communication. At the same time, there is always a certain number of compatriots who do not register. However, we believe that the number of those who are not registered has been reduced. You can see that in the increase in the number of people who have now registered.”
7. Panel
8. Journalists
9. SOUNDBITE (German) Wolfgang Büchner, German Government spokesperson:
“The German government is very concerned about the current situation in Venezuela and we have spent much of the night issuing a statement together with its partners from Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, calling on the global authorities to respect the right of Venezuelan citizens to demonstrate peacefully.”
10. Journalist
11. Media
12. SOUNDBITE (German) Sebastian Fischer, German Foreign Office spokesperson:
“Yesterday evening, EU foreign ministers also expressed their concern about the developments in Venezuela in a joint statement by the 27 EU foreign ministers and, like the heads of state and government, called for transparency and credible scrutiny of the elections. And to this end, it is necessary to enable the election results to be verified in a credible and detailed manner and to call for the elections, protocols and official elections to be scrutinised. The elections, protocols and official votes from the individual polling stations must be published so that they can be independently verified, otherwise the election results cannot be recognised. Any further delay in publication, according to the Foreign Minister and Foreign Ministry, casts further doubt on the credibility of the official results. The opposition, for its part, has published copies of the election forecast, which indicate a clear majority in favour of opposition candidates.”
13. Wide of briefing
14. Journalist
15. Media
16. Journalist
17. SOUNDBITE (German) Sebastian Wagner, German Foreign Office spokesperson:
“We demand, just like the people of Venezuela, that the election protocols of each constituency be published so that we can decide on that basis of who won the elections and who did not. We demand transparency and, of course, we also demand an end to repression, repression against demonstrators who doubt the election results.”
18. Wide of briefing

AP video shot by Fanny Brodersen

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