Cooling off in Rome: The Eternal City’s never ending passion for Gelato

(2 Aug 2024)



LENGTH: 6:55

Rome, Italy – 26 July 2024
1. Close up of a tourist eating a gelato in front of Trevi Fountain
2. Mid of tourists eating their gelatos in front of Trevi Fountain
3. Wide of Trevi Fountain
4. Close up of a gelato

Rome, Italy – 23 July 2024
5. Mid of tourists taking pictures of their gelatos
6. Wide of Rome historic gelateria Giolitti exterior
7. Mid of tourists eating gelatos outside Giolitti
8. People queuing to eat gelato at Giolitti’s
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Polette Szakacs, tourist from Hungary:
“Most of the time I prefer not really sweet fruit flavours, like cherry, apple, lemon. But right now, I tried Nutella, Maracuja and banana and the banana flavour is exactly like a banana turmix or smoothie. It’s really creamy, so it’s really good.”

10. Mid of Giolitti’s counterman handing a cup of gelato
11. Close up of a gelato cup
12. Mid of people eating gelatos from cups
13. Mid of gelato flavours

Rome, Italy – 19 July 2024

14. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Nazzareno Giolitti, owner and manager of Giolitti gelateria:
“Rome is the Italian city where there is the highest amount of tourism of all. Therefore, there is a certain number of people who like to eat gelato in Rome, which is also particular in terms of climate. Eating a nice gelato means socialising, eating it in the streets, licking it, sipping it in company, it’s a nice thing.”

Rome, Italy – 23 July 2024

15. Mid of tourists eating their gelatos
16. Wide of Giolitti exterior

Rome, Italy – 19 July 2024

17. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Nazzareno Giolitti, owner and manager of Giolitti gelateria:
“It (the gelateria) is a landmark also because it is now the oldest gelateria in Rome, but I think one of the oldest gelaterias in Italy. The distinctive thing is that it has always been in the same family, we feel it is almost a duty to satisfy the gluttony of the Romans and all the people who come to visit us.”

Rome, Italy – 23 July 2024

18. Mid of ‘sanpietrini’ semifreddoes behind counter glass in Gelateria Fassi
19. Close up of a banner reading (Italian): “Where gelato is not about being trendy, but about tradition”
20. Close up of gelato flavours
21. Woman taking her gelato
22. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Andrea Fassi, Gelateria Fassi CEO:
“Rome is a crossroads of tourists and tourists have pushed many businessmen, not just gelato makers or pastry chefs, to open gelaterias. This is already a valid motivation. Then it is because the Romans like gelato and we have made history with it, and many continue to come here.”

23. Close up of a sign reading (Italian): “Fassi laboratory”
24. Various of gelato maker blending strawberries and pouring ingredients into the machine to make strawberry-flavoured gelato
25. Various of Gelato maker arranging freshly made strawberry-flavoured gelato in trays
26. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Andrea Fassi, Gelateria Fassi CEO:
“Our gelato is imperfect mathematics, it does not come out identical every day, but the flavour remains the same, because we have never evolved our product in terms of fashion. And in my opinion the secret is this, being able to be faithful to the recipes that were the first ones that guaranteed us this success.”

27. Mid of gelato maker making ‘sanpietrini’, special semifreddoes resembling the shape of Roman street stones
28. Close up of ‘sanpietrini’ semifreddoes
29. Gelato maker taking ready-made ‘sanpietrini’



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News post in August 7, 2024, 3:04 am.

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